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It's been about a week or two since we had that amazing talk with Yoongi's parents (Note the sarcasm). College is already going to be starting soon and I don't really give a flying fuck anymore because I at least made it through high school so I'm fine with that shit.

The only thing though, is that we are all going to different colleges to pursue our different dreams so we won't be able to meet each other very often but that's fine by me. Don't gotta be dealing with some fucking dying cattle sounds at like fucking 3am because somebody found a lizard or because somebody found a spider...wait, that just reminds me of Fuckoffmyfaceu...

Anyways, I'm currently carrying all my shit to my new dorm room thingy where I'll be sharing my room with some random ass person I don't even know but meh, who fucking cares anyways. I slammed open the door to my dorm and hauled all my shit onto the bed that was closest to the window on the other side of the room.

I took a look around and noticed that the dorm was pretty damn fucking small in the bedroom area. It was literally just like a fucking hotel room but with a large room attached to the side of the bedroom which led to a pretty damn large kitchen and living room but I guess it wasn't THAT bad because hey, there's somewhat space and there's only going to be two people living here.

I looked around some more and found a bathroom that was attached to part of the room with the beds. After awhile, I got bored so I decided to unpack my stuff and put them away into the surprisingly large closet and off to my side of the room.

Once I had finished unpacking, I suddenly asked myself, " Why the fuck is everything here so weird? Like the bedroom is so small and cramped while the living room, kitchen, closet, and bathroom combined are like twice the size of the bedroom...idk anymore. "

After awhile of scrolling through my phone as I waited for my roommate to come, I got bored so I decided to call Yoongi. I put the phone on speaker and after a few rings he picked up. " Hello? Why'd you call me? " He asked. I chuckled and lay myself down while saying, " To make sure you're not fucking some other girl. "

He chuckled and teasingly said, " Jealous much? " Chuckling I said, " Nah, I just wanna make sure your ass ain't gon' be giving me HIV for fucking some random girl. " I could practically hear the roll of his eyes as I chuckled and then said,
" Hey, if you keep rolling ya eyes then maybe you'd find a brain back there. "

He scoffed as I chuckled before I sighed and said, " I'm kidding hoe. I just called to make sure your ass is actually getting read your and heading off to your college and dorms because I don't wanna end up having to drag my ass over there to help you unpack, I've got better things to do. "

He chuckled before saying, " Yeah, like what's? Sleep your lazy ass away all day? " I chuckled and said, " Yeah, what else? I learned it from you. " I could hear him chuckling before I sighed again as I felt sleep beginning to creep in.

I yawned and said, " Hey, I gotta go. I'm gonna go to sleep now. Bye. " He said a simple bye before I hung up and pulled my blankets and covers over my body before I ended up falling into a deep sleep, exhausted of today's events.

~Time Skip~

Yoongi's POV

I dragged my bags up from beside me before I sighed as I looked up at the plain beige door in front of me. With a sigh, I unlocked the door and dragged my stuff inside. As I entered the room, I saw that the half of the bedroom was already occupied by my roommates stuff as there was also a figure sleeping on the bed.

I couldn't get a clear view of the person as their back was facing me and because of their blankets that covered all the way up and until the very top of their head. I chuckled as it kinda reminded me of the way Y/n slept. I sighed and decided to unpack my stuff instead of just pushing it off for later.

I unpacked all my stuff and shoved whatever into the corner next to my bed before I pulled out a picture of Y/n and I that we had taken together. With a sigh, I placed the frame down on the small drawer I between the two beds as a plain beige lamp rested on it.

As I took one last look around the dorm, I sighed and walked to the kitchen as I decided on what I should eat. I opened the cupboards to find nothing so I sighed and walked back to the bedroom. I pulled on my shoes and grabbed my wallet and phone before I headed out to the convenience store nearby to buy some noodles.

While walking there, I decided to try and leave a good first impression to my roommate before I end up being a complete shit to them by deciding to buy them some noodles as well. Once I got to the store, I entered and quickly walked to the noodle section.

I just grabbed the cheapest noodles before I payed and rushed back to the school as it was starting to get dark outside.

~Time Skip~

I finished pouring the hot water from the kettle into the two bowls of noodles and waited for them to cook. As I waited, I decided to wake up my roommate who has been sleeping for what seemed like forever.

With a sign, I walked over to their side of the room and gently shook them. The person groaned as I shook them some more before they turned around. I gasped and fell backwards as they turned around because as the blanket fell down their face, I was met with a sleepy Y/n.

Y/n's POV

I woke up to someone gently shaking me causing me to groan and roll over onto my other side. I rubbed my eyes a little with my hand before I looked up at the person and gasped. I quickly shot up and into a sitting position as I lunged at the person and tackled them into a hug.

We both fell back onto the other bed as I asked, " Asian Casper? What're you doing here?! " He chuckled and pulled me onto his lap as he sat up while saying, " I should be asking you that because this is my dorm. " I gave him a weird look and said, " What? This is my dorm though, and even if we did share the same dorm, I thought that boys were separated from girls? "

He shrugged and said, " Oh well, more time to spend with you I guess. " I nodded and got off of him before I could smell the delicious scent of noodles coming from the kitchen. I gasped and rushed over to find two bowls of noodles sitting on the counter.

I grinned and grabbed a cup before I grabbed some chopsticks and sat down on the couch as I shouted, " Thanks for the food Yoongs! Love ya boy! " I could hear his chuckling and some mumbling but I didn't understand what he said as I began eating my noodles while I turned on the TV.


Hey guys, btw this is what the dorm is supposed to look like but smaller.

Just imagine it being smaller and both rooms connected as one so the bathroom is off to the far right while the door is right by the bathroom rather than in the kitchen

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Just imagine it being smaller and both rooms connected as one so the bathroom is off to the far right while the door is right by the bathroom rather than in the kitchen. Okay? Good? Hope so...

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