No Final Goodbye

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I woke up with a pounding headache and something smelly near my face. I slowly opened my eyes and winced as the brightness in the room wasn't helping much with my headache. I turned to my right and found someone's foot right smack next to my face.

I almost gagged at the smell and slowly sat up while holding onto my head. I groaned and took a look around to find that everybody else was still knocked out in the living room. I guess we had all passed out without even washing up or cleaning up.

I stood up and walked over to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I washed my face and ran my fingers through my hair to rid of any of the big knots. Afterwards, I walked into the kitchen and looked around until I had found what I was looking for. I opened the bottle of pills and took out two before grabbing a glass and filling it with cold water. I popped the pills into my mouth and swallowed them with the water from my cup.

I rubbed my forehead and turned around. Right as I turned around, I had bumped into someone's chest. My water would've spilled hadn't I level my cup. I looked up to find a sleepy Yoongi standing there. He held out his hand and said, " Can you give me a pill? "

I turned back around and grabbed another pill before giving it to him. He nodded and put it into his mouth before he took my glass of water and took a big gulp out of it. I walked away as I heard him place it down onto the counter and went into the he living room.

I pulled on my shoes before quickly leaving the house since I had to hurry up and get ready. Today was when taxes and payments for the house was due so I had to get home and make sure I had enough money in order to pay.

However, as I got to the house, I was shocked to find all of my stuff outside as a 'For Sale' sign was put in front of my house. I furrowed my brows and rushed inside the house to find a lady in a suit looking around the house. I walked up to her and patted her shoulder gently until she looked over at me.

She gave me a weird stare before asking, " What're you doing here kid? Don't you have somewhere to be? " I glared at her and said, " I'm sorry, but I think you've got things wrong because this is my house. It would be better if my stuff weren't being thrown out like trash. "

I laughed and said, " Don't you know kiddo? The house is being up for sale because the people who lived here died and now it's my job to clean up this trashy place. Got no information about some middle schooler living here. Stop messing around and go home. "

I scoffed and said, " How dare you call my home trash. My parents worked so hard for this house and here you come over saying its trash? First of all, this house shouldn't be for sale because I live here since I was allowed to live here after my entire family passed away because of a stupid driver. Second of all, don't you dare say that my home is trash because I bet that you're just talking about your job then because you shouldn't be intruding into someone else's home. Third of all, I'm not a middle schooler because if I were then I wouldn't be able to pay for this house nor get three jobs. Fourth of all, don't tell me to go home when I am at home. Go back to your home and figure out your mistake. "

She scoffed before she suddenly pulled out a small flip phone and dialed a number. She said a few words I couldn't hear and after a few minutes I was suddenly being dragged out of my house by two men. I screamed and kicked to try and escape their grip, but they ignored me and threw me to the ground next to my stuff.

They walked back into my house as the lady smirked from inside and locked the door before walking away. I screamed while punching the ground furiously until my fists were now bleeding from the impacts. I sobbed one last time before taking a deep breath and standing up.

I looked down at all of my stuff and grabbed everything I needed. I grabbed my school bag, another backpack full of my clothes, my possessions I got from my parents and brother, and my wallet and phone that had been thrown out with me along with my phone charger.

I sighed and pulled on my backpacks before I  began walking around aimlessly. I had nowhere to go and nowhere to stay. I was screwed. I walked around the streets with my head down as I only watched my feet taking step after step. I sighed when I suddenly heard loud honking as I walked across the street.

My head shot up as I froze in place. A large truck was driving towards me without stopping. It was only a few feet away from me but I just stood there while staring at it. Suddenly, I was being pulled from behind harshly and ended up landing on my butt right as the truck passed by me.

I blinked twice when suddenly, someone began shouting at me. I ignored their words and continued to stare off into space in front of me when a hand landed on my shoulder knocking me out of my small phase. I blinked again and looked up from behind me to see a worried Yoongi along with everybody else behind him.

I sighed and slowly stood up as Yoongi asked, " What's wrong? Why are you walking around in the streets with your stuff? Did something happen? " I looked at his chest with tears in my eyes and my lips trembling before I looked up to meet eyes with him. When our eyes locked, my tears burst out again.

I was soon pulled into his embrace as I cried into his shoulder with my arms wrapped around his torso while his were also wrapped around me. I sobbed into his shoulder before saying, " T-They kicked me out...f-for no r-reason. I-I just came home....a-and this l-lady had my stuff thrown out...s-she had me kicked out once I t-told her off a-about why she shouldn't be there. I-I d-don't know w-where to go. "

He gently rubbed my head as someone pulled off my backpacks. I sighed deeply and dug my face into the crook of his neck, breathing in his cologne as I began to slowly calm down. Once my sobs had turned into sniffles, Yoongi gently pulled away and wiped my cheeks before turning his head back to the others. They whispered some words I couldn't hear before Yoongi turned back to me and said, " You can stay with us until you get back on your feet again. Is that okay? "

I smiled lightly at him and nodded while wiping my runny nose on my shirt sleeve. He smiled and held onto my hand before we began to walk with the others in a big group. They all tried their best to cheer me up and they succeeded as I cracked a smile and let out a small chuckle as we began to mess around on our way back to their place.

I sighed as I noticed how my hand was still intertwined with Yoongi's. I sighed again. I got no final goodbye to the place where I grew up and lived my entire life.

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