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We finally got what we had ordered and began eating when I noticed how the girl who was our waitress was staying at our table longer than needed. I gave her a weird look but continued taking a bite out of my dessert before I noticed what she was up to.

Behind her back was a small piece of paper that was neatly folded and most likely contained her phone number for Yoongi. Yoongi, however, was completely oblivious of what the girl was doing as she kept talking to him and pushing her nonexistent breasts further out while she curved her back so her small butt would also stick out.

I then noticed how short her skirt was and how skimpy her top was. Isn't this girl only like 15? What the hell are these people into these days to where they practically walk around in their underwear to try and get their horny ass needs? Geez, I have never felt so ashamed and embarrassed for my generation.

The girl began bending down to Yoongi's height, which she didn't really need to because she was pretty short, and she began whispering something in his ear. I could tell that Yoongi was starting to get uncomfortable while I was just plain out annoyed.

I coughed to get their attention and said, " I may not be an expert at waitressing but I'm pretty sure your job is to serve your customers not try to get in their pants. And I'm also pretty damn sure that your outfit is highly not recommended since you're basically showing the whole world your small butt and nonexistent boobs. Now, get your fake ass out of here because I'm trying to eat in peace rather than vomit because of how hard you are trying to get into someone's pants. "

The girl gasped and glared at me before she gave Yoongi the paper and stormed off. I just shrugged and continued eating the dessert I bought before I took a sip out of my drink. When I drank it my face immediately scrunched up and I put it back down while trying to get rid of the taste. I'm pretty damn sure that I got a caramel macchiato rather than a plain black coffee.

I looked up after a few seconds of shock just to see Yoongi smirking at me while he drank my caramel macchiato through the green straw. I glared at him and snatched it away from him while saying a small 'asshat' before I sliced in my chair and began to quickly drink my original drink to get rid of the taste of black coffee.

Yoongi just chuckled before he began drinking his coffee before he put it down and said, " Ya know, earlier I think you were jealous. " I gave him a quizzical look and he continued. " I think you were jealous because the girl kept giving me attention but you just wanted me to have my attention on you. "

I shook my head with a scowl and said, " Why the hell would I want your attention? You're just a pain in the ass. " He just shrugged and payed the bill which had came before he stood up and began walking. I groaned and stood up before I grabbed our drinks and caught up to him.

When I did, I slapped his shoulder and gave him his coffee before I continued walking beside him. I sighed for the millionth time today and asked, " Where the hell are we going? " He just shrugged and I decided to take a look around. When I did, a game had caught my attention because of the medium sized stuffed animal tigers.

I quickly linked my arms with Yoongi and dragged him over to the game. I greeted the man there who smiled gently at me and asked, " Do you wanna play a game? " I nodded and in my head I said, ' Duh, why else would I come her just to watch other people play? '

He nodded and I gave him the needed amount of money before I gave Yoongi my drink and said, " Don't mess around with it or else I'll kill you with my bare hands. " He just shrugged and I rolled my eyes before I turned back to the game. It was a basketball game so it was pretty damn easy.

Without even knowing, I had already won the game which left the man shocked. I just shrugged and the man quickly nodded and gave me the stuffed animal tiger. I smiled gently and thanked the man before I turned to see Yoongi who had an amused look on his face.

I raised my eyebrow at him as he gave me my drink but I stepped back a bit and asked, " Did you poison my drink when I wasn't looking? " He sighed and shook his head while I gave him a suspicious glare and said, " Prove it. " He sighed and asked, " Really? " I just nodded and he sighed again before he took a sip out of it and swallowed.

I just nodded and took my drink before I took a sip out of it and we began walking again. I gave the stuffed animal tiger to Yoongi and said, " Here, I won it for you because it looks like you. " He gave me a weird look before asking, " How the hell does this thing look like me? " I just shrugged and said, " I don't know. It just does. "

He sighed and we began walking again. After about ten more minutes, we got bored from walking around so we just sat down on an empty bench. Yoongi being the lazy ass person he always is layer down and put his head on my lap while I just ran my fingers through his hair.

I could feel as Yoongi hummed because of my fingers and I looked down at him. I was slightly shocked to find that he was just staring at me. He gave me his gummy smile and I gave him a weird look before asking, " What's up with you? " He just shrugged before he suddenly sat up mad turned to me.

I turned my head to look at him and gave him a weird look when suddenly, he leaned forward and kissed me. I was shocked and wanted to pull away, but my body didn't and responded to him. Yoongi wrapped his arms around my waist as mine wrapped around his neck. I was so grateful right now that we had sat down on a bench in a area where there was almost nobody.

Suddenly, his tongue ran over my bottom lip asking for entrance. I denied playfully by giving him a quick peck before I pulled away with an evil smile. He groaned and glared at me while I faked an innocent look before I got curious. I looked at him and asked, " What the hell was that for? "

He just shrugged and said, " I don't know. " I sighed and shook my head at him before I turned to look around. I was in awe at how beautiful the sky looked like as the evening began to set in. The clouds were colored a beautiful variety of oranges, pinks, and blues as the night slowly began to fade in.

Without me knowing, Yoongi had scooted closer to me until we were side by side and suddenly pulled me onto his lap which has caused me to look at him curiously. He gave me his famous gummy smile before a serious look adorned his face and he said, " Y/n, I know that I may not be the best but I want to be for you. The first day we met, I was shocked by how confident you were. I was also shocked by your skills and talents. From that day on, I was just oblivious of how my feelings for you grew. I now know that I want to be there for you every step of the way. So to cut the crap, let me just say this. Will you be my girlfriend? "

I gave him a serious look before I couldn't contain my giggles and I began laughing hysterically. He just gave me an annoyed yet scared look as I began to calm myself before I sighed and turned serious again. " But the thing is, can I trust you to take care of me? Can I trust you enough to give you my broken heart? " I asked him.

Without hesitation, he nodded his head to say 'yes' and he pulled me into another kiss. This one was different from all of the others as it contained so many passionate feelings. After awhile we both pulled away and Yoongi rested his forehead on mine and asked, " What's your answer? "

I rolled my eyes and gave him a quick peck on the lips and said, " Yes, I'll be the Min fucking Yoongi's girl. " He chuckled and gave me another peck when suddenly loud shouts and cheering erupted from right behind us. I groaned and turned around to see that all of the others popped out of the bush behind us while they cheered and shouted loudly and threw confetti all over the place.

I gave them an annoyed look and asked, " We're you guys just following us all day? Why're you guys such fucking creeper? " Taehyung clutched the area where his heart was dramatically and said, " No, we all took turns following you guys and then we all gathered up together behind this bush. To be honest, you guys are boring which is why you both fit together perfectly. "

I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm as he dramatically fell to the ground. I sighed and was suddenly being dragged back to the van. As everyone soon calmed their asses down, we began driving back home and I suddenly remembered something from the cafe.

Yoongi had said I was jealous. But was I? I've never really felt jealousy. But was I feeling jealousy?

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