Trust Issues

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Class was absolute hell. It hadn't been an hour yet and I'm already so done with it. The teacher was going on and on about random shit that I didn't understand because I was too busy thinking about what I'd do after this class was over. Suddenly, the teacher dismissed the class and with a blink, I had already been walking out the door.

With a small groan I walked to my next class, already wishing for the day to be over and done with. As I was walking through the halls, I spotted Yoongi who was minding his own business as he was walking to his next class. Before I had made it to him, he was suddenly pressed into the wall beside him by the same girl from earlier.

I rolled my eyes at how clingy she had already gotten and I watched as she leaned in very closely to Yoongi. Noticing how he didn't even bother to push her away, I guessed he already knew what to do so I let him be and walked right past them and into the classroom right beside where the two were.

With a sigh, I sat down in an empty seat at the back of the large class and pulled out my notebook to actually try and take part in the class.

~Time Skip~

A few weeks have passed by since school started and I've surprisingly been doing okay in my courses. I noticed that Yoongi had been getting more distant but I let him be knowing that if something was wrong then I'd let him man up and tell me on his own.

I'd been on a video call with the girls, as we talked about what we'd do for Jimin's upcoming birthday, when the door to the dorm swung opened. Confused, I looked over as the girls began asking me what was up when they heard the loud sound as well. Once I noticed it was Yoongi, I turned back to the girls and just told them it was nothing.

Yoongi just made his way onto his bed and as soon as he lay down, he was out cold. I shrugged and continued to talk with the girls for awhile longer before we ended the video call when Lisa had to get to bed because it was getting late and she needed to sleep for her classes the next day.

Once I put my phone down to charge, I turned off the lights in the room and got under my covers to get to bed as well. However, Yoongi suddenly shifted in his bed before his deep voice suddenly asked, " Who were you talking with? "

Turning over to look at him I simply said, " I was talking with the girls about a surprise party for Jimin's birthday before we decided to hang up since Lisa has school tomorrow. " He nodded before he signaled me to come over to him. I chuckled but nonetheless got out of my bed and joined him on his where we both got under the covers.

As soon as we were settled down, Yoongi wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. I sighed into his embrace and rested my head on his chest as we enjoyed the silent embrace. Soon enough, I felt myself slipping into the darkness of sleep and right before I finally let myself fall into slumber, I heard two words come from Yoongi. I'm sorry.

I woke up the next morning in Yoongi's bed alone. Confused, I checked the time and realized that I had slept through all my classes. I groaned but just let it go and soon got up to get dressed. I decided to dress better than usual in a pair of light blue jeans, a thick black belt, black combat boots, and a black lace spaghetti strap top. Seeing as it was starting to get a bit more chilly outside, I decided to wear a light beige trench coat.

Grabbing my phone and wallet, I exited the dorm. I made my way out the building and onto the busy streets outside the college. As I made my way to the cafe nearby, I noticed many people giving me glances here and there but I ignored it and continued on my way.

After reaching the cafe, I entered as the obvious warmth enveloped me like a fluffy blanket a young child would own. I stood in the short line as I waited for my order before I ordered a cappuccino and took a seat at a booth. Looking out the window beside me, I watched as the people walked by with bright smiles with their loved ones and I couldn't help but miss the way my brother would always tease me about my 'thunder thighs' or how my parents would always have the best savage comebacks.

I sighed as memories about my family ran through my mind before I was taken away from my thoughts by someone calling my name. Looking over, I realized my drink was ready so I made my way over to retrieve it with a small thanks given to the worker.

After taking my drink, I made my way outside the cafe and back to the college as I was then brought back to the preparations for Jimin's birthday that was coming quick. As I was planning in my head, I suddenly bumped into somebody and spilt the hot coffee all over myself.

The person scoffed at me while I lightly groaned as the hot drink burnt into my skin. When I looked up at the person, I found it to be the slut's friend from before. I rolled my eyes at the girl before I pushed past her and rushed back to my dorm.

However, as I pushed past her, she laughed before she said, " Looks like the kitty isn't yours anymore. " I ignored her words and didn't let it get to me as I rushed into the building and towards my dorm as the pain on my chest didn't ease. Once I got to the door of my dorm, I realized that I didn't have my key with me.

I pushed on the door at a sad attempt of trying to open it up but surprisingly, it pushed open. As I hesitantly entered the room, I noticed someone's lacy black bra on the floor which was obviously not mine. Walking further into the room, I saw the slut riding Yoongi.

Their moans were extremely loud as they continued their business, not noticing me, and I wondered how I hadn't heard it before. I cleared my throat loudly, ignoring the pain in my chest that grew only worse, before the two finally looked over at me.

They both gasped but as Yoongi quickly pushed her off, the girl just smirked at me. Not knowing what to do or how to react, I simply said, " Wow, gee thanks for that bitches. I didn't wanna know how you guys go whoring around but okay. Continue your business. "

Yoongi quickly attempted to get to me but I quickly entered the bathroom beside me and locked myself inside. I could hear his loud bangs on the door but I ignored them and turned on the lights. Once the lights were on, I realized that there were a few years on my face.

I quickly wiped them away and took off my coat and top as I winced when I lightly touched the burnt area on my chest. I rummaged through the drawers before I found some medicine and applied it generously onto my chest and the top of my breasts that had also gotten burnt.

I then grabbed some bandaging and wrapped it across my chest and over the burnt areas. Once it looked semi okay, I didn't bother putting the shirt or coat back on as I unlocked the bathroom door and exited. Before I could make it to my side of the room, I was suddenly pressed into the wall by Yoongi who quickly attempted to apologize.

Before he could, I cut him off and quickly said, " Yoongi, I don't wanna hear your bullshit anymore okay? I'm done, if you're just gonna go whoring around then you should've just told me that it wasn't gonna work. I didn't wanna find out that you've been sleeping around with the slut of the school when I've already been having a pretty shit of a day. If it makes you happy to hear it then fine, lets break up. "

He stumbled on his words as he attempted to explain but once he noticed the bandages on my chest, his face instantly grew soft as he gave me a curious look. I scoffed and pushed him aside before I walked over to my side of the room and changed out of my jeans and into some shorts and an oversized shirt.

I then hopped onto my bed and pulled out my phone, ignoring Yoongi who kept his eyes on me. After a few minutes passed by, I sighed and turned off my phone before I turned to him and said, " God damn Yoongi, what the hell is up with you? Aren't you happy now? You can be free now and out of my life. "

I rolled my eyes at him and lay down across my bed as I could hear him prepare to leave. Before he exited the dorm, I said, " I guess your mom was right wasn't she? I'm just a useless piece of shit that isn't up to your standards. "

He turned back to look at me while I just waved him off and rolled onto my side as I decided to take a nap and hide away all my trust issues that began to resurface.

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