diagonally (edited)

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Hey guys! You should really throw a party, because you get to talk to editing me, again! Anyway, I'm here because, the A/N I had originally put in here was literally a story in and of itself. I mean, I was celebrating the fact that I was done school, but come on past me, 400 words is a bit obnoxious. I was also fangirling over like 50 reads. Which seemed very important back then, but like this chapter has almost 1K so that seemed kind of unnecessary (readers: weird flex but okay.) Yeah anyway, the gist of the old A/N is... Oh right, it literally didn't make sense so it doesn't have a gist. Well, in that case, I hope you don't think that I'm JK Rowling or Rick Riordan, because that would be stupid. Or maybe you aren't stupid and I actually am. Psych, I'm not, have fun reading this. 

Hey guys, when I first posted this chapter and chapter 5, I got a lot of questions about why Percy would pale at the mention of "diagonally" so I'm here to enlighten you. When Percy and Annabeth split up with Bob in Tartarus and then reunited, Annabeth asks Bob if he had gone sideways. Bob replies by saying that it was more like diagonally. This part of the story really stuck with me and I didn't really think before using it in my fanfiction, because I figured it would stick with everyone else. That was really stupid of me, and while I respect the fact that many of you may not have read HOO recently, I'm still going to keep it in the story, and now you hopefully know what it's referencing. 


Percy pales, diagonally? He tries to clam down, as memories of Bob, and Tar- the place that shall not be named, fill his head, threatening to take over. 

He takes a deep breath and asks, "Diagonally?" 

Mrs. Weasley corrects him, saying something that Percy doesn't pay attention to. Taking deep breaths, he calms down, well as best as he can. But he can't think. He can hardly breathe. He needs Wise Girl. Why the Hades did he leave, anyway? He asks himself. Why on Mount Olympus, did he decide that helping these idiots was more important than seeing Annabeth. He forces those thoughts out of his brain. You came here because, these people need help, and you're capable of helping them. Percy excuses himself from Fred and George's demonstration of the Nosebleed Nougat and heads to the bathroom. 

"Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Annabeth at Camp Half-Blood."

Well, at least he thinks she's at camp. What if she got a quest and he wasn't going to be there? Percy sighs, as he sees her safely in Cabin #6, working on what seems like they're blueprints.  

Percy waves, "Wise Girl." 

Startled, Annabeth screams, "Seaweed Brain! How are you? Are the wizards annoying? Have any monsters attacked you? Did you tell anyone?" 

He smiles, there's the Annabeth he knows and loves, "Hey, Annabeth, a hello would do. But I'm fine, but I'm really missing you, honestly, part of me just wants to IM Nico and tell him to shadow travel me out of here. Some of the wizards are annoying, but I think I've met the wizarding Stolls, remind me to never introduce the group of them to each other. And no monsters have attacked me, now that you mention it, that's sorta weird. Maybe it's the protective spell thingies they have around this headquarters place. And Wise Girl, I know I'm dumb, but of course, I didn't tell anyone, was that all of your questions?" 

She thinks for a second, and Percy can't help but  think about how much he loves Annabeth's thinking face love, and then Annabeth says, "Yep, that's everything." 

"Well, I was just missing you, and felt the need to IM you, but I'll let you get back to your blueprints. Speaking of, the wizards are calling me right now, I'll talk to you as soon as possible. Love you." 

She smiles again, "Love you more." 

Percy grins, "Love you the most." 

And before she comes back with some witty reply, Percy slashes through the message, cutting the connection. He walks back to the Weasley twin room, memories of Annabeth fresh in his mind.  

"Oy, there you are. Fred, I found him," looking back at me George says, "Where were you?" 

Percy thinks of a lie, knowing that, 'Oh well, I using the goddess of the rainbow to talk to my girlfriend in New York, who happens to be half-god.' wouldn't work out too well. 

"Well, I had some trouble trying to find the bathroom, but then I got completely turned around on my way back," Percy says, spouting out the first thing that came to mind. 

He nods, agreeing, "Okay, Mum wants us in the kitchen, apparently we're leaving in, I don't know, soon." 

Percy nods and heads down the stairs, greeted by an expressionless Harry, and a moody Ron.

 I make a decision that I'll probably regret later, and decide to straighten out our problems, "Look, I know you're annoyed because I'm Voldemort's grandson. But listen, I didn't do anything to you, and I'm not planning to do anything, but you really need to stop frowning every time I see you, it sort of ruins the persona, you know happiness, sunshine, rainbows? I mean seriously what on Hades have I ever done to you?" 

At this Ron explodes, which Percy figures that he should have expected, but didn't. 


Percy responds, his hand reaching into his pocket to grasp riptide. Even if he knows that riptide wouldn't hurt them, it comforts Percy. 

"Well, you didn't do anything wrong before, but you know now that you've falsely accused me of eating Thanatos, you have. Especially because you have no proof. That's not even mentioning how disgusting that is."

Ron, turns redder than his hair, muttering something about his bloody idiots. Suddenly Harry's eyes light up as they do in cartoons when someone gets a genius idea. 

"Well, then what's on your arm?" Percy realizes right away, that Harry's referring to the SPQR tattoo, which he's partially confused about. Are the Death Eaters a cult? Because Percy's getting that sort of idea from this doomed conversation. More accurately named as a screaming match. 

"It's a tattoo, I don't know if you wizard kind get them, but they're made from like a needle-like thing, and ink, yeah you guys use ink, right?" 

The two of them frown, just as Mrs. Weasley walks down the stairs. Percy thinks about what he just said. It wasn't a total lie, but his SPQR thing was kind of just burned into his flesh, but Percy supposed that's an irrelevant and unnecessary detail. 

"Well, looks like everyone's here, let's go. And Percy, watch carefully, I'm assuming you've never used floo powder before." 

Confused, Percy watches as Fred walks into the unlit fireplace, and drops the powder, starting a bright green flame. Then Fred says Diagon Alley and disappears. Percy watches one by one as the Weasley's, Hermione, and Harry disappear, leaving only, Mrs. Weasley and Percy himself. 

"Go on dear, you're first." Percy cautiously walks into the green flames, hoping it isn't greek fire, becuase have you ever seen what Leo could do with some? 

He coughs, and then as clearly as possible, Percy says, "Diagon Alley." 

Then there is nothing. 

Well hey, guys! This is editing me again, for no specific reason. This chapter was actually decent, so editing me didn't have too much work to do anyway. So hope you enjoyed this, somewhat cliffhanger ending, and don't forget to vote, comment, and uh, continue reading? I'm reading the old A/N which has no substance except for a Red Queen reference, which for those of you that don't know is a half decent fantasy series (The reference was: rise, as red as the dawn.) Anyway, that's it for today! 

P.S. The word count for this is 1399 words, partially because while I shortened the A/N in the beginning, me explaining the "diagonally"  thing took some time, so the A/N was still pretty long. ~Love you all so much, ryleeoverhere.

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