48: Second Plateau from the Left

Start from the beginning

I was glad when we came to a lake in the evening. On the other side of the lake was a stretch of forest, but beyond that were plateaus that towered above. Each was mostly barren of trees or shrubbery except for one with trees, making the lush plateau much more prominent among the others.

I peered over Ilta's shoulder to verify the direction the needle was pointing in and, surely enough, it was pointing southwest towards the plateaus.

"We have a couple hours of daylight left. We should make our way around the lake and get as far as we can for the day," announced Ilta.


Elossai accompanied Ilta to fish this time. I hoped they would have better luck finding food than yesterday because I was starving.

After Martin and I gathered enough dried foliage, Keiran started a small fire, then he went off a comfortable distance away to practice with his sword. Preparations for when we met the Ras, I'm sure.

I sat by the fire with Martin and watched our foraged firewood pop and crackle. Martin prodded the fire with a stick, looking like he was lost in his own world.

"Martin, are you okay?" I asked.

He continued poking at the fire. "It's Day 27, right?"

I could see that he was agonizing over what we had to accomplish tomorrow. "Yeah, it is," I answered.

"That leaves us one more day," Martin said in a low voice.

"We're going to make it there in time. I have a feeling that we're supposed to go to one of those plateaus."

"How can you be sure of that?" He turned to me, finally leaving the flame alone.

I shrugged my shoulders. It was just a feeling; that and the needle of the compass pointing in that direction.

"Katie is going to be furious that it took a month to rescue her. I think she's gonna need a whole lot more therapy now."

"She'll be alright, Martin," I reassured him.

"When we get back, we're going to take her to her favorite ice-cream parlor."

"Sounds like you two will have lots of fun."

"You're invited too, Ell." He bumped my side playfully, but I wasn't feeling playful at all. "What's wrong?"

"I... I don't know if I'm going back," I said, very slowly.

"You can't be serious." Martin gawked at me in disbelief. "Let me get this straight, you're telling me that you actually want to stay here? You're not Sye-Liene."

"I know that." I shot back.

"Then why stay? Why stay in this world where nothing makes sense to us, Ell?" Martin's voice was getting louder.

"You really don't know why?"

"Yeah I don't. Please enlighten me," he said irritably.

"There is nothing for me to return to. Back on Earth I had nothing and was no one."

"Newsflash, Ell, you aren't anyone here either."

"And just because I'm not anyone here it automatically means that I should go back there? Back to seeing my psychiatrist, and being on medication? Yeah, that makes complete sense!" If he was going to raise his voice, then so would I.

"Well if this place is so much better, what are you gonna do here then, huh?"

"There is nothing there for me back in Hemley. I've got two clues, and both are in Elorian languages. I'm not going to find any answers on Earth."

Lost Identity: Eloria Series Book 1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now