"Ugh," she says sweeping past him, "You're weird. Please stay away from me." Carl turns to watch her as she walks away. He could feel something stirring inside himself but he didn't know what it was yet and definitely didn't know what to do about it. Besides there was this thing with Beth, he can't be feeling anything for this new girl anyway. He's just trying to be nice and welcome her to the group, that's it. Nothing more.


I am holding Judith while Rick is slopping the pigs when I look up to see Carl talking to Jade. I step up beside Rick and nudge him with my knee. He stands, looking at me, "What?" I nod my head over to his son and Jade. He smiles putting a hand on his hip and watches with me. "What do you think that's all about?" I ask looking up at Rick now, "just welcoming the newcomer I guess, but his posture looks so awkward." Rick stands, watching and studying. We were going to tell Carl about Jade this morning and ask him to roll out the welcome wagon but he had run off with Beth before we got the chance. Rick laughs and shakes his head.

"I think Carl might have himself a little girlfriend." Rick smiles back at me wrapping an arm around my waist. Daryl sneaks up behind us. I continue our conversation oblivious to Daryl. "Wait, what? You really think he likes Jade? What about Beth?" Rick looks at me confused, "oh, you didn't know? He has a little something something going on with Beth. They are always sneaking off together like Maggie and Glenn do." I laugh as Rick looks at me in shock. I nod my head, "...well, had. They might not be sneaking off together anymore. I guess maybe he has moved on if your assumption is correct. Might be sneaking around with Jade now."

"Carl better watch his ass," Daryl says, "She is my daughter ya know." Daryl elbows Rick, his face angry at first and then he smiles.

"She may be a Dixon but Carl's the sheriff's kid, I think he can handle himself," I answer back, "Ain't that right, Chief?"

"And the Chief knows all too well what happens when you fuck around with a Dixon's feelings. Seeing as how he is dating one himself," This causes a round laughter from all of us just as Jade walks past. She shoots a glare at the three of us.

"Is everyone here completely weird? What's wrong with you people?"

Daryl stops laughing just long enough to tell her, "You'll get used to us. Just give it some time and you'll be just as weird." She looks at him and shakes her head. "So what's with you and Carl? You like 'im?"

"No." She snaps and then shoots Daryl a look that could kill. He throws up his hands.

"Okay, sorry. Just askin'."


Daryl walks past Jade's room tonight and sees her sitting on the bed knees tucked up to her chest. She looks deep in thought, and a little sad. "What's wrong?" He asks stepping inside her room.

"Nothin'," she whispers never turning her head up to look at him. Daryl sits down beside her and pulls her into a hug.

"It's somethin'," he said, "You know you're a lot like me. I never liked to open up and talk to people either. Still ain't real good at it." She smiles at him just then and a flash memory flooded over him. "You got your momma's smile. I forgot how beautiful it was."

"She talked about you all the time ya know," Jade sits up and looks at her father, "She loved you." Daryl sighs rubbing the back of his neck.

"We broke up a long time ago," Daryl sighs, "It was bad, there is no way she still had feelings for me. I was kind of a dick."

"Well, she did," Jade assures him. "Even if you were a dick, she still loved you." She hugs Daryl who smiles, wrapping his arm around her tighter.

"So, is that what's got you down? Thinkin' 'bout your ma?" Jade nods, a tear slipping from her eye. Daryl keeps holding her tight.

"Damn, I'm sorry kid. Was it..." Daryl stops, not sure if he wants to drudge this up.

"After," Jade says, not looking up at him, "she got bit. I had to...." She buries her face in Daryl's side unable to finish the thought.

"Hey, we havin' a family meetin' and ol' Uncle Merle ain't invited?" Merle walks in and stands in front of his brother and his niece. "Can't believe this purty little girl came from your ugly ass, little brother." Jade looks up now, wiping her eyes, and chuckles. Daryl looks down at her. Merle notices the somber tone and begins to get concerned. Then he notices that his niece had just been crying and he starts to speak. Daryl interrupts him with a playful, shocked gasp. He sees the perfect opportunity to change the subject.

"Hey, that's not funny. I'm hurt." Daryl said rubbing her head. She hugs him.

"I'm sorry pops," she says as she leans back to look at him, smiling impishly, "didn't know you were so sensitive." Daryl's eyes go wide with surprise but he has a smile stretching from ear to ear. Merle almost falls to the floor laughing. "I like this kid," Merle speaks between guffaws, "a girl after ole Uncle Merle's heart."

"Yep," Daryl says smiling down at her and wrapping his arm around her again, "you're gonna fit in nicely here." Daryl stands as she stretches out in the bed and lets him tuck her in. She really is too old for this but, well, it feels nice to finally have her dad here and know that he wants to do the dad stuff. "We better let you get some sleep. Got a big day tomorrow." Daryl leans down, kissing her on the forehead. Jade looks at him confused. Daryl just smiles at her and as he walks out he whispers, "Good night."

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