Chapter 4: The Dragon

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Lir p.o.v.

Waking up was an extremely annoying task, the space where my mate slept was empty, I couldn't keep my eyes closed any longer. Standing in front of me were four wolves, one was the Alpha I meet yesterday, beside him was his wife. Behind them, I see a strong-looking woman and a man who seem old and fragile. I sat up and groaned and rubbed the tiredness from my face, the alpha clears his throat loudly and I glared at him thought my fingers. "Now, what is your name and why should we let you stay outsider?"

I crossed my legs and leaned back on my hands my relaxed poser meant no harm to anyone, but these fools are still baring their teeth at me. "Dear Alpha, do you not remember, I'm here only for my mate. I could have taken her, but she insisted that she must remain here. Do you have any idea why she might say that to little old me?"

The alpha growls loudly trying to intimidate me, "You will take this seriously or we will not be so kind to you as we have been."

I look between all of the people in front of me, "Fine I will play ball, my name is Lir I'm the last dragon that I know of that roams the earth. I have come here to find out why my soul is pulling me here. I found out that my soul is here among you, a wolf, Helena. She is mine and I don't think I'm leaving without her."

The group of wolves scoffed, "Dragons don't exist smart ass, what are you really? A succubus? Come here to suck the life force from within are pack?"

Lir suddenly becomes disinterested with the conversation at hand and goes to move only to have the Luna ponce on her and take a bite into her neck. The alpha tried to control her and make her let go but there was no use her teeth were clamped shut on the neck of her intruder. The alpha finally realized that I haven't moved a muscle or even attempted to remove the woman off my neck. Slowly I grabbed the lower jaw and squeezed opening her mouth slowly. My neck was red but to their surprise there was no blood, "I'm just standing up, there was no need to go on the offensive."

The wife starts whining in pain and a ferocious growl from the Alpha was a one-time warning, "Let my Luna go or so help me I will kill Helena."

His voice drops a few octaves, and his eye turned the colour of his wolf who was stirring under his skin. I let the Luna go quickly only to grab the Alpha by the throat throwing him though three walls and flying towards the ground. Caleron was awake and she heard everything, she momentarily took over my body and ran out towards the Alpha sending him a well-aimed punch in his gut. She picks the beaten wolf up by the back of his neck and as a warning, she growled, "YOU Will NOT! Threaten my mate, YOU WILL NOT! Threaten me. Do I make myself clear dog!"

The Alpha nods his head not fully able to talk yet, Caleron slowly melts back into my mind leaving me with control. I take a deep breath and close my eyes making sure I had full control still, "Listen Alpha, a threat so brash isn't something you should threaten me with especially if you don't know what you're dealing with. So please don't push me." I look around and see that a couple of wolves have surrounded me they looked thin and scruffy, they barely pose any threat I walk though the group and followed the pull of the bond She was somewhere close but where?

I walked around the grounds in my human form my hand deep in my pockets as I focused on the trail. I found myself in a kitchen with Helena by a pot-stirring non-stop.

"Found you." She was startled as I came up behind her wrapping her in my embrace, "Why didn't you wake me when you got up, I would have joined you?"

Helena was stiff in my arms and I felt as if she was worried about something soon, she forced herself to relax and I smiled at the thought of this woman finally enjoying my company. "You looked so peaceful sleeping there and I didn't want to wake you. Are you hungry this stew is almost done I can dish you a bowl if you would like?"

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