Chapter 8: Pack life

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Lir P.O.V.

It's been a full month since the pack has grown from its small numbers the wall has been expanded and reinforce about three-quarters of the new hide has gotten a room to live in. I was work with the witch to better understand magic and I been stuck training a bunch of failed, new, out of shaped warriors. They were taught hand to hand combat and basic training on top of a work out regiment. The only good thing about my perk is that my mate also takes part in the training saying how she wants to protect me if it ever comes down to it.

Most have finished their run around the new compound. My mate is still behind but I keep an eye on her heartbeat. Once she passed out I sent every able body to find her it was a horrible experience but they seemed to do well tracking, that or it was literally just the sheer amount of people searching.

We haven't talked about Lucas in a while and we haven't done much but sleep, eat, and train. Still, I trust her with my life and would love it if she would just accept me as hers.

Combat training started and I waited patiently for her to come to the yard after her laps the rest of the rookies just stood in formation. She came running slowly and panting and came to a halt in front of me. She gave a quick apologize which in turn received a loud numerous, "We are only as great as our weakest player, you are doing great!"

She blushed and glared at me, "really, was that really necessary."

I chuckled and pointed to the group which replied. "She reserves the right to train us however she pleases."

I smiled proud of my creative loud messing system. "You're an ass you know that."

"I know but you love it. Now the first row turns to your right, the second row to your left, the third row right, the fourth row left and so on!" I waited for them to complete my instructions, while I give my mate a pouch full of water.

"Good, no wolves allow! Now spare!"

I look at my mate, "that means you to my firecracker." She launches into numerous attacks some I block others I let slip to enforce that it was good form and good follow-through. While I kept an eye on the others.

The practice came to a natural close as it became dark and we said goodbye and left towards our room while most make their way to the kitchen. We have farm plots and raise animals as well as hunt we are trying to get more land from the west but the alpha refuses and would rather start a war than give it up. Whatever not my business the only time I can come and help is if a war starts.

As we enter I go and sit on the couch while Helena goes to the bathroom to take a shower, ever since I installed one she took one faithfully each night. I didn't mind she probably enjoyed the warm water soothing her muscle. My stomach growls unforgivingly at me and I sighed taking that as a sign to go and cook something. Looking in the fridge I took out a sausage and some beans, Cooking the meat the boiling the beans I had made a nice salad on the side though it was small since we both were carnivores. I hear the water turn off and I quickly set the table, while the food floats behind me being set on the table. My mate comes in and she is in her pyjamas, "Thanks for making supper lizard." She takes a seat at the table and so do I.

I clear my throat and look at my mate, "did you hear anything related to the land dispute over west?"

Helena was already eating and had to swallow what she had before responding, "....gulp, hmmm... Not really all I know is Lucas is over there dealing with the pack."

I started to eat as well seeing how the room just became silent and I had no idea what else to say. She seemed to get what I was trying to do and smiled, "How was your day?"

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