Chapter 2: The Call

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I woke, in the comforts of my own home. I have no idea how long I been out but boy I'm starving all I want is a steak right now or some lamb chops. My father walks into my room holding a cloth at a bowl fill of water. "What's that for?"

He jumped and spilt the water all over the floor. "Omg! your awake! I wasn't thinking you'd be up. Uhhh... clearly..." He looks at the water on the floor. "So, honey I know you have questions..."

I sat up a stretched feeling every bone in my body pop, "No, not really the texts I been reading pretty much filled me in before I even got my form. Man, I'm hungry thou. How long was I out for?"

My mother comes in probably cause of the sound of dad dropping the pot. "You been out for six days. Everyone thought you would wake up in two weeks, But I knew you would only take one. You are to suborn to stay asleep for long, now come along have a bite or two too eat, you are starved cause of those new beast forms inside of you."

I got out of bed throwing my blankets to the side and hurriedly behind my mother who was known to be the best hunter in the group. The kitchen was filled with aromas of the fresh kills. "Mom when did you kill all this? Why did you hunt so much you never over hunt?"

She gives me a smirk, "well cause I remember my first form and it felt as if I have devoured half the population before I felt satiated enough to leave the house. Start will the boar dear, its been sitting there the longest."

Looking at the animals in front of me, I sat down and started to cut away skin and eat the flesh underneath Ozhe was disgusted with my meal. "Lir your going to make me sick those are like dead animal that you are eating raw!"

Calderon spoke up. "Hey, don't you want to cook that you have the ability to breath fire now you can use it in small doses to start that way cry baby over here doesn't have to think of raw meat. Come to think about it? Ozhe, you would die if you were in the real world you can't breathe fire and you turn your nose up to raw meat? What kind of bear are you?"

Ozhe was in the back of my head looking like he was dying with disgust, "I was eaten fish and berries! Not red meat!"

Calderon scoffed as if it was the stupidest thing he has ever heard. "Well you dame baby, can you tolerate red meat that has been cooked and try gather what's left of your pride?"

Ozhe was silent in my head and so was Calderon, "Why do they always have to bicker?"

My mother turned around from what ever was occupying her, "Who bickers?"

I blushed as I was caught thinking out loud, "No one! I mean no one important..."

My mother walks over to me with a hand towel it looks like she was rubbing her hands free of the bloody feast she killed for me. "Lir. Talking to your beasts isn't a bad thing we all know what you hold inside that heart of yours, tell me what their names are?"

I stutter and honestly didn't think she would be so interested, "Calderon is the dragon she is always in such a bad mood thou, Ozhe is the bear he's a lot more outgoing."

My mother nods her head, "I see I guess those are good names they sound kind of old ancient, if you can you should try learn more about them in the great library. Maybe you can find out why you were blessed with two?"

I looked at my mom in confusion, "I thought I got two because dad was a war bear shifter and mom was a dragon shifter."

She looked at me like she was skeptical of something. "Perhaps, young lady or maybe there is more than what DNA has given you. Not everything is written so straight forwards such as are own making."

I quickly finished the boar as I was thinking what my mother has said, I then took the deer apart and few rabbits and a good ¾ of a moose. My mother was still in the corner washing her hands I stand and go to wash my hands as well. Wondering why she was taking her time just scrubbing her hands of all the grim. "Mom, can I go back to school today I have a feeling that its important. If its truly been a week then I missed two tests already."

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