A Bestfriend

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I've always heard people say, 'A dog is man's best friend."
I don't think that's ever gonna hold true in my case.
For me..Books are my best friends.

Sad? They console you. Hungry? They feed you. Weak? They nourish you. Books complete you. I don't know about anyone else but whenever I have a good old book in my hands, I feel like I'm in heaven, like this day couldn't get any better. Like if I could sit there all day long and read and read and read then it would be the perfect day.

The sweet tempting fragrance and the familiar texture of it's pages draws me in like nothing else. The attachment I feel with it's words is super strong and when I finish reading a book, I feel like re-reading it because there might have been a line that I missed, a few words forgotten and I can revive my pleasure once more. The anticipation after every chapter gets high every time. Even when I'm on my own, all alone, a book never ceases to fill me up and complete me.

George R.R. Martin once quoted, "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies."

I have no words left to explain how special I feel when there is a good book in my possession. Those who haven't touched a book will think I'm crazy and those of you have can grasp my meaning and can relate. They are the most loyal, compassionate friend I could ever have. They whisper me secrets, reveal me the truths and show me a world that's real and dreamy at the same time. It's magical. Books are a companion that isn't hard to get and isn't easy to forget. And I feel sorry for those who despise reading, who consider it a waste of time and are deprived of the content any bookworm feels. I just recently realized how fond I am of this small thing called book reading which started off as a habit but has turned into an obsession. 

Books can be the most delightful part of your life, but those who don't believe in magic will never find it.

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