Chapter 28

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"What do you expect me to do in a situation like that? He even killed my adoptive father." 

"Adoptive Father?"

"Ciar. Mother's childhood friend. That guy who liked mother."

"What if he was just using you?"

"No! I known him for long. He doesn't have any intentions."

"Well, father did hate him really much. Since mother spent more time with him."

"But to kill him.."

"Whats wrong about it?"


"Calm dow-"

"I am leaving,  don't expect me to see you anytime soon."


"Shut up." *snatches key*

I ran  up the stairs to reach the room. It was exactly the same. The ice, and the cage. I reached towards the cage, grasped the key and slowly unlocked it. I watched the soul dissipate into nothingness.

Is this the end?


"This is farewell, forever."

"Where are you going?"


"Whe- Soliel? Hello?"

Somewhere else:



"Did you kill Sophie?"


*In a low/quiet voice. "Oh. I see. There is nothing left for me to do is there?"


"Nothing, I just want to be alone for a while."

At a beach:

The gentle breeze swayed from the left to right. My hair were getting all in-front of my face,  but I just aimlessly watched the sun set and the sea. 

I recalled what Luciel had said: He did care about you.

So you're telling me he did care about me? The exact same man who made my life terrible? Why did he summon Lorela, Blaise, and Sophie then? There are so much questions I would like to ask... but I guess it is impossible now.

It is as once the great god said, All go to the same place. All came from the dust and all return to the dust. (Ecclesiastes 3:20) There isn't any meaning to stay here right? I don't have a specific fate assigned to me anymore... Marianne is gone, and Solaris is gone. Soon, Soliel will be too...

Isn't that right? Poseidon.

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