Chapter 2

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Lorela's POV

Meanwhile at the Kingdom of Humans, Roael:

"Oh great Hero, and Holy Maiden sent by the last will of gods, heed thy call, I summon thee."

In the Great Cathedral, there were over 50 mages of each element chanting and drawing a huge magic summoning circle.

"Ah! Yes! Its a success!"

The two people stare bewilderingly at each other.

This... It can't be because I killed Marianne a year ago? No, I am justice!

Suddenly, everyone fell down to their knees and knelled in respect.

"Great Hero and Holy Maiden, as the Pope of this Cathedral, I like to express my most sincere thanks for heeding our call. I shall explain the situation."


"So... we are blessed and the last will of the Gods after they fell into eternal slumber, is for us to bring back peace and harmony by subjugating demons, and slaying the Demon King?"

"Yes Hero Blaise."

Lorela opened her mouth and spoke. "Can you explain magic?" 

"Of course, it is an honour Holy Maiden. There exists 7 types of magic in this world. Only 5 can be performed by humans, of course, you are an exception. It is; Water of Healing, Fire of Offence, Earth of Protection, Wind of Defence. You and the Hero are able to use the Holy power of Light. The evil demons can control darkness, and the Archangels and Gods can use Divine Power. Divine power is different. You cannot be chosen, but rather inherited by bloodline. It is so fragile that if an angels falls, they lose the qualifications to possess the power."

"Angel that falls?"

"Lucifer. He used to be an Archangel, but when he fell, the Gods had the 'el' from his name removed."

"El?" This time Blaise spoke.

"It is the proof that they are loved by the Gods, and will only be blessed if a God directly names them him/herself. Take Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel for example."

At evening:

"Blaise... I'm scared.. will we die?"

"Lorela, its fine, we are chosen and blessed! Unlike Marianne. Look, you have an 'el' in your name. This symbolises your luck."


Lorela leaned against Blaise. 

"Its getting late, I shall return to my room now."

"Bye Blaise."

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