Chapter 17

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It's been a week since Zane, Vylad and Garroth dragged me out of my work and I've been stuck in Gene's house. I was starting to get a little hard to handle for everyone, especially Zenix. At the moment I was stood in the kitchen smoking again.

"Can you stop smoking inside the house?" I heard Zenix growl lowly.

"Can I go outside? No! So fuck off, Zenix!" I snapped.

I'd gotten a little snappy too, I've never liked being cooped up in a house for a long period of time. Gene walked into the kitchen.

"Lillith, babe, can you please stop smoking in the kitchen." Gene deadpanned.

"Fuck off, Gene, I know you were in on this too!" I snapped.

Gene backed off and walked to the fridge. He went to grab one of my beers and I growled at him. He reached for a poopsi instead. Yes, I'd started drinking alcohol, but not that bad, obviously. When I was done with the cigarette I put it out and threw it in the bin. I walked up to Sasha's room and walked in to see her and her boyfriend making out again. I walked to the window and opened it up, climbing out and sitting on the roof. Sasha always let me do this so that I could get some fresh air every now and again. Sure Gene and everyone else didn't want me to be outside, but a gal needs fresh air every now and again. I sighed as I hugged my knees to my chest. Yes I'm a 22 year old woman but when I'm sad I still act like a teenager. The wind blew my hair into my face and I let it. I watched the sun set and sat outside for a bit after it was done. When it started to get a little chilly I went back inside.


I closed the window and realised I was still in my PJs.

"GIVE ME A SECOND!!! IM STILL IN MY PYJAMAS!!!" I screamed back.

I grabbed a croptop, jeans, belt, and sneakers. I took my PJ's off and put my jeans on. I grabbed my belt and did it up. As I went to grab my croptop the door slammed open to reveal Zenix. I felt my cheeks heat up as I watched Zenix's go red.

"Get out!" I yelled.

Zenix walked in quietly and smashed his lips into mine hungrily. I quickly shoved him off of me and out the door. I grabbed my shirt and threw it on. I put my shoes on and walked out.

Zenix and I ran downstairs and sat at the table. We all started eating our food when Gene noticed I was wearing a long sleeved shirt. He grabbed my wrist and pulled it towards him. He lifted the sleeve to reveal a few bruises.

"How'd that happen?" Gene asked.

"When you went shopping yesterday I tripped and fell down the last five steps." I answered.

Gene nodded but gave me a look that said he didn't believe me. I pulled my arm to me and pulled my sleeve back down. We are in peace and when we were finished my phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID and answered.

"So, how's life in the outside world going?" I hissed into the phone.

"Lillith, we've been trying to tell Gene that you're allowed out, Hope and Faith came to visit and told us what you were doing at their place." Aaron said from on the other side of the phone.

I sat up straighter than ever.

"Are you being serious right now?!!" I asked.

"Yeah." Aaron answered.

"Oh yeah!" I said.

Aaron hung up and I ran to the front door. I opened it and ran down the street to Aph's place. I knocked on the door and Vylad answered it.

"I got out of there! Aaron called me and told me I'm allowed out!" I screeched.

Vylad pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back. Vylad pulled out of the hug and I walked into the house. I saw Aph, Kawaii~chan, and Katelynn sitting on the couch.

"Lillith!" Aph screeched and tackled me in a hug.

"Aph!" I squeaked as I fell over.

I was now stuck in a group hug. They let go of me and I headed down to the basement to go to sleep. The only thing keeping me from sleep was my phone ringing. I groaned in annoyance and I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, is this Lillith?" A person on the otherside of the phone asked.

"Yeah, what do you want?" I answered and asked.

"You're father wants to see you. He'll be waiting at Phoenix Drop High School tomorrow at 3pm." The person answered and hung up.

I shrugged my shoulders and went to bed.


I woke and rubbed my face. I checked the time on my phone.


I groaned and got out of bed. I grabbed a galaxy croptop hoodie with really long sleeves and a pair of black ripped jeans and put them on. I then put on a belt and put my hair up in in a ponytail. I quickly threw on some socks so I could slide around the house.

 I quickly threw on some socks so I could slide around the house

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I ran upstairs and smelt pancakes. I walked into the kitchen and sat down with the others. We ate in silence and when I was done I ran down to the basement. My phone started ringing and I answered.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Lillith! You wanna meet up for dinner tonight?" I heard Sarah ask from the other side of the phone.

"Uh, sure. What time?" I answered and asked.

"How's 5?" Sarah asked.

"5 is good. Who else will be there? And where are we going? Oh, and should I bring someone?" I confirmed and asked.

"Hope and Faith will be there. We're going to Olive Garden. You can bring someone if you want." Sarah answered.

"Alright. Friend or...?" I asked.

"Preferably family or your boyfriend." Sarah answered.

"Alright, I'll see you's at 5. Buh-bye." I said

"See you at 5. Buh-bye." Sarah replied and hung up.

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