Chapter 3 • Liam's going to hate this!

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"Yes! A thousand times yes!" I said.

"Great!" Aliana said.

"I just can't miss work though. I'm working on a project with my adoptive sister Malissa, ya know the one that was kept secret for years?" I said.

Aliana nodded.

"Guys you can stop pretending to be random customers and come over here now!" Aliana yelled.

A group of people came over and I recognised a few from where I was in the Kit Cats.

"Hey Jack, Jess, Jason and Chloé!" I said and waved.

"Alright Lil! The new kids are, Jackson, Levi, Rochelle, and Brittany. The new adults are, Jax, Ryder, Emerald, and Lily." Aliana said.

I looked at one of the werewolf girls. Emerald. I thought to myself.

"Emerald has to go Aliana. Five years ago her and her twin brother abused me for three weeks until Liam came and saved me." I said.

"I'm sorry Lil, but she passed the test fair and square." Aliana said.

"You don't mean the werewolf test!" I said.

Aliana nodded.

"You little bitch!" I mumbled.

"I heard that slut." Emerald said.

"Oh yeah? Well did you hear me scream in pain when you stabbed me in the arm?" I asked quite rudely.

"Yeah, but I chose to ignore it." Emerald answered.

"Aliana, don't let Liam find out otherwise he will murder you and then Emerald. He hates the Thompson twins." I said.

I got up and grabbed my bag, walking out to my car and driving home. I walked inside and slammed the door shut. I think heard the crack of a whip.

"Shit." I said.

"Where were you?" Liam asked.

"At the Maid Café on Main hanging out with Aliana, Jack, Jess, Jason, and Chloé." I answered.

"So you mean there wasn't anyone else there?" Liam asked.

I gulped.

"Nope, no one else." I lied.

"Lie. Emerald was there and so were a bunch of other people." Liam said.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied again.

"Come into the kitchen now." Liam said.

I walked into the kitchen to see Liam with the punishment whip.

"Now, are you going to lie again or am I going to have to use this?" Liam asked.

"I honestly don't know what you're talking about." I said and ran out of the kitchen to the front door.

I slammed the door opener and ran straight to the boys house and ran in through the back door and quietly closed it. Laurance looked at me.

"Hey baby sis. What are you doing here?" Laurance asked.

"I need somewhere to hide now." I whispered.

Laurance pointed to the basement and I quickly but quietly ran down there and hid in the drawers because I'm really small. I heard the faint soynd of a whip from upstairs. I grabbed my phone and texted a random person or group I didn't know just anyone.

The cool people💖!

Liams going insane because I lied!

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