XXI: Ashes

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Forgotten I lie
In the graveyard of pain,
I touch my wounds
And they ache in the rain,

They tear me apart
As once the bullets have done,
And every drop cuts
Me and I forget my part

In all of this,
Where did I sign up?

I can remember bits,
But it kicks me then and again.

I was a warrior
For all those back home,
Living through horrors
To lie beside this stone,

And stare barely at the sky,
An unnamed man at home soil,
Remember...I try,
But nothing comes.

I can hear the screams,
I can see the inferno,
I can smell the blood,
Why couldn't it be simple?

I can still breathe the smoke,
And taste the gasoline,
It drains me away
And soaks me all clean,

And here I am,
Forgotten in a graveyard,
Broken, I cannot stand,

I am lifeless.

I am the ashes,
My soul is long gone,
It went away with matches
That burnt me well done...

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