XXVIII: Assess

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Follow their words,
You have no mind,
Who are you to decide
On your own of what's kind,

They grab you by your shoulder,
To attend their endeavors,
But you are just a placeholder
With colorful little feathers,

Fly to the sky,
Like Ikar once before,
Give it a try
Before you inevitably fall,

Such a wonderful soul,
He pats you on your back,
You're doing his bidding
And you're giving him your stack,

The cards start amounting,
He's smiling all the way,
And then you start counting
And you've just lost the whole game.

You brought him to the top,
You were behind his success,
But there has to be a flop,
And you're the one to regress.

Begin to assess,
Think about it please,
It's time to take a breath
And stop being the teased

And be the one to lead.

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