Chapter 30: Dane

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Wednesday, 11:52 A.M.

I didn't plan on taking only one car, but Rob's injuries kind of fucked that up when it came down to it- so here we are- getting down like circus clowns in my truck. 

I got Jena in the passenger seat, confidently singing along to some song while Evelyn groupies it up in the backseat like some child. And Rob in the backseat, pissed without a cause but apparently too tired to open his mouth. 

What a life, I think bitterly to myself. I had shit to do today. 

"Can we get food?" Evelyn asks, furthering my hatred for this whole thing in general with just four words. I dont know where she gets off thinking this is some type of vacay or whatever the hell they call it these days.  

Jena stops singing to shoot Evelyn a look as soon as the question escapes her lips. I know Jena doesn't want to stop to eat- but I wonder if she ever explains why to Evelyn. 

"We can eat when we get there, Ev." Jena tells her, and just as quick, returns to her vocals.

I peep Rob in the rearview, just to see his reaction to Jena's piping in. Because any other time, and I swear it- any other time he'd have something to say about how I'm slippin' cause this bitch is calling shots. 


I try to chalk it up to his injuries though... It's probably hard to talk shit when you have a busted lip and swollen face. 

12:23 P.M.

Jena is paying more attention to Rob than I care for, but I keep telling myself it's not for the reason my still aggitated blood thinks it is. I'm sure she's probably curious as to how I could bring this asshole here after what he did to her. 

She sneaks another peek at him across the room, her gaze lingering a bit longer than the last couple since we made it to the house. 

"Upstairs, Jena." I say, tossing my duffel across the room for Rob to start breaking down and weighing out. I didn't really come up here on business- but business still gotta be taken care of.

Jena snaps her head toward me for a moment, and I find myself almost hoping she has something to say. Almost hoping it's enough to prompt Rob to go back to his old ways toward her, and that I don't have to do anything else on this damned trip besides business. She mumbles something to Ev though, and treads up the stairs without another word.

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