A Lover's Betrayal

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Hey guys! Thanks for waiting--college is gonna start soon again so thats gon be a butt XD

Anyhow, this book has been nominated for the Wattys and I'm just like--?!

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Wish the book luck guys, the world deserves more Hanzo UwU

With that said, I return y'all to your regular scheduled programming! This is a long chapter cuz this is where we finally see the effect of all of Hanzo's powers--the ones that come with him being an oni at least. Apparently they can be overpowered as fuck so it was really exciting to write about. Enjoy, loves! :D

"You think you're so clever, trying to hide under my radar and disappear as though it will do anything to keep me from finding you." Shintaro sneered, taking full confidence in the fact that his angered nephew was as good as immobile under the secure hold of Talon's agents. "Oh, what are we going to do with you? So obstinate yet so prideful--slowly becoming the shell of a great person like your entire family one by one has done before. Don't you see nephew? You may have been clan leader, but I have lived long enough to know the thinkings of people such as you and my sister's incompetent husband."

"Don't slander father's name with your deceit." Hanzo warned through clenched teeth. He took a moment to tip his head to the side to catch a glimpse of you and found that you were sagging upon your weight, teetering on the brink of unconsciousness from the blow one f them had delivered unto you. "Let my wife go--it's me you want, so leave her out of this affair!"

"You know collaterals are no new concept for me, nephew,"  the elder replied with a knowing smirk on his dry, wrinkled face. "If I can use the princess to make you do what I want, then you better not dumb yourself down and know for sure that I will do exactly just that. I am not one to hastily proceed to murder Hanzo, not when I know that I have something so valuable in my disposal--" he took a glance behind him to see the men removing the tousled pieces of hair away from your face, much to your obvious disgust. "But as they say, useless things are better off disposed: I have no problem telling my men right here and now to shoot her down and be done with excess baggage--but I suppose you wouldn't appreciate that now, would you?"

"(Y/N)!" Hanzo tried to stand up and rush to you, only to be beaten down once more with the butt of an agent's gun slamming right onto the base of his head. 

As he fell, a cruel laugh erupted from behind Shintaro, and the elder saw your tear stricken face frozen in horror at the violence that quickly escalated against your battered husband. 

"No, stop this!" You struggled to free yourself, wanting nothing more than to be by Hanzo's hide to protect him, but a sudden hard grip to your chin was all it took for you to clamp your mouth shut, and your body finally froze with the sudden realization that you were at the mercy of very dangerous and highly skilled people, ones who wouldn't hesitate to end your life on the spot.

You took his bruising hold as a warning and opted to whimper down in protest.

"Quickly," Shintaro snapped at the armed men. "Secure Hanzo for the trip back to headquarters. Anymore mishaps along the way and I'll make sure your boss will have your heads for it!"

In a heartbeat, Hanzo's wrists were bound together behind him, his fisted hands secured with cylinder metal casings that kept them glued to one another, guaranteeing total inactivity on your husband's part. Manhandled and swept along with their big, urgent strides, you barely had any power to do anything as the troops headed outside the door. To your distraught, Hanzo had not bothered fighting off the forces that have subdued him, knowing full well that he was not the only one at risk if he so ever chose to combat Talon's forces.

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