From the Shadows

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Hello, my peeps uwu

How's everyone doin?? Anyhow here's the next chapter so I hope that y'all will enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Ready? Ready--let's go!!

Peace UwU

In your tiny little apartment room in Switzerland, you kept the light as low as you could at all times, even though McCree had informed you the night before their departure to Japan that the landlady knew he would have a friend stay over there while the were gone, that friend being you, and that said landlady was more than fine with it. However that did not mean that you were free to just go about your business here and there. What if Overwatch were to show up? Or a cleaning man who loves watching the news comes in and recognizes you as the supposed princess who should have died a year ago?

As the days passed, you felt more at ease with the whole situation around you, and very soon, you found yourself to be comfortable in the silence of your own company. You used Jesse's back-up accounts to surf the web and see your home once more through the monitor of his laptop, and though the view may not compare to the real thing, to being actually able to feel everything around you, it was all that you could get, and even for that, you were thankful. 

While surfing on a website dedicated to sharing interests concerning visual arts and home design, you stumbled upon a section that narrowed the images down to Japanese prints, and you were in awe at the beautiful works that one could do with simply a paintbrush and canvas. Some designs were fairly traditional, with the grunge adding to its overall appeal of the piece, and some were more on the modern side. Either way they were all amazing, and you got a surge of inspiration bursting inside you, wanting to manifest itself into a great artwork of your own. You had the design in mind, and you were hurriedly scrambling from the floor to rise back up on your feet to get started.

Heading to the kitchen, you looked for some materials that you can use to make your own paint, and to your luck you remembered about how you had seen a paintbrush in this room during your scouting a year ago; you believed it was in the same compartment as the broken tooth brush. You wasted no second and set off to work, the enthusiasm in your system almost mistakable for a sugar rush. But you did not pay any mind to that, what was important was that you manage to get this done as soon as you can before this thrill ran out. You only needed two colors after all, red and black, and you figured that those should be easy enough to acquire. Looking up online recipes for homemade paint you set off to gather what you needed, and after finding the perfect flat surface to paint on, you were an unstoppable force of art that did not tire from the many twists and angles that the painting required. 

Some hours have passed and you had the television running for about half a day already, using it mainly for background noise to make you feel less alone, as well as to keep you updated in any case, for perhaps there may be urgent news popping up about your family or your home country altogether.

One stroke after another, another swirl here, you were on the verge of completing this task you've set yourself up to, and you couldn't be more excited for Hanzo to come back and see this workmanship, this labor of love, this reminder of what you two once had before this mess took over and completely tumbled your shared worlds upside down.

If the brothers' falling out had not would have been married for a year then, maybe you would be in the Shimada castle together, or better yet--had a baby together.

Your child would have born around this time.

Without thinking you've stilled, and the hand with the paintbrush froze mid-air, inches away from the last blank patch on the decorated wall, while your other one dipped down, hovering lightly over your stomach. Would he look more like Hanzo or like you? Who would he act more like? Will your child share his father's lopsided smile or blush when they shy away as you do? What will his first words be? What would he think of the world around him--his hopes, his dreams, his grievances?

The Dragon's Curse (A Hanzo X Reader Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora