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Yo let's do this! Thank you again to all those ywho have read the story and have patiently stood by with me through every update and hiatus. This one's for you!!!

Hanzo is cray in this chapter and also Lime warning! No lemon but it's still pretty graphic. X3

Enjoy, loves!

There came a gravelly groan from beneath you, and a pair of heavy eyelids finally found the strength to part themselves and let the man see light.

Hanzo lifted an arm up in front of him, a silhouette against the pulsating white lights of the aircraft. He twisted the limb around, along with his still cuffed wrist, and wiggled his fingers as much as his reserved energy would allow it. The chain still hung there as clear as day but he never bothered himself with finding answers as to why the said chains were broken like that.

The Shimada squinted, both from the lingering fatigue as well as from the peculiar weight that settled on his bobbing chest. He cast his orbs down upon a tuft of strands, and the moment he laid a cold palm upon it, only then did he realize that it was hair.

Long hair that cascaded down his side and pooled onto the cold floor.

He let his other hand grope the material of that which he laid on at the moment; warm and soft...probably made of strong cotton or some stiff fabric.

But as comfortable as the makeshift bed was, the man unwittingly proceeded to prop himself up on his elbows and ultimately on his numb hands, sliding the comforter and the sleeping person's head down to his toned waist.

The sleeping person gave a low mewl of annoyance, their long hair matting the entirety of their visage, preventing Hanzo from fully seeing it.

"Hanzo..." they whispered his name after the pull of sleep finally let go of them and they were able to get in touch with their bearings once more. " are you feeling?"

You moved your hair out of your face and watched as the vibrance that colored Hanzo's skin awhile back seemingly drained out of his face like water. He stilled his breathing until all was eerily silent. He couldn't find the courage to break the void in his head until many minutes later.

"(Y--Y/N)?" he stuttered, nearly choking on your name as his exhausted body debated on whether to reach out and hug you close or step away and make a run out of this confusion. This just couldn't possibly be happening!

How long has it been since he heard your name slip past his lips?

"You don't have to worry," you assured with a voice that floated as light as a gentle breeze. "It's really me. This is no trick."

", you can't be real." His voice was hushed but panicked, and he refused to make any sort of eye contact no matter how much you tried to make him meet your gaze. "You died when your craft exploded."

"I swear I'll give answers to all that you want to know, but for now I'll just tend to you. I'm very certain Talon has done a number on you." You sighed ruefully, "I'm sorry I couldn't get those cuffs off--I'm still working on it."

In response he said nothing, but you didn't mind in the slightest. You merely nodded in understanding and stood up to man the plane and see if anything went awry in your recess.

"Everything seems to be in check. Are you hungry?" you asked, eyes still on the blinking control panel. "I have some noodles and canned stuff. I'll make something for both of us."

Again Hanzo was silent and again you didn't press him to speak. You merely shrugged your draped shoulders and took it upon yourself to go ahead and whip up something edible. Perhaps the shock never really quite left his system and some warm soup may be just what he needed to help loosen him up a little.

The Dragon's Curse (A Hanzo X Reader Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora