She Would Want You to Have This

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Hey y'all  UwU So we are nearing the end of this book and I think that's beautiful but again I just want to thank everyone who has been with me on this journey. It's a long one but I hope y'all enjoyed yourselves. 

Anyway here's the next chapter and it's kinda long so--let's go!! X3

ALso this chapter might be lime-y, like not full blown lemon, but it's still rather explicit. So yeah OwO There are also gonna be headcannons as to Hanzo's, um, preferences with his partners so if you're not into that mature stuff well then UwU

Read at your own risk loves :3

"Darlin', I'm gonna catch up to him--he might rat us out about Hanzo's location," McCree blurted out as he handed you a pack of dextrose and other revitalizers, as he'd so fondly call them.

"I have faith in him despite our estrangement," you sighed, carefully treading your way over your cluttered bedroom as you carried the essentials Jesse just gave you. "He would not stoop so low as to do such a thing. He has decency in him--I know that man."

"Still," Jesse persisted as he helped push the fallen dresser back up on its legs. "I gotta make sure. He can't go around breakin' into people's homes, threatenin' them, and is that the candle holder?"

"Used to be," you chuckled as you let Jesse prepare the syringe for you. You remembered where the nurses used to inject the needle into, so you did not need to worry about that part. The trouble was finding out how many doses Hanzo would need--he was still unresponsive and feverish, but at least his breathing has evened out since Genji's attempt of suffocating him.

"Let me patch up your hand then I'll be scoutin' the area," McCree offered, watching as Hanzo flinched a little once you've administered the second dosage on the same spot. 

"No...don't go," you said, removing the scarf from Hanzo's head so that he may lay more comfortably. 

"Ya scared of bein' alone here, doll?" 

You shook your head. "I don't want to have to ever do that again. I was punching him, not bringing into consideration that he was mostly metal, that I had no match against him. For the first time in my life I hit someone with the intention of hurting them--I have never been that malicious before, McCree. I was desperate and I let my fear get the better of me."

"Doll, you did what ya had to protect Hanzo. Sometimes no matter how good ya are...people are bound to bring out the worst in you." He laid a hand on your slumped shoulders and smiled. "Happens to the best of us sometimes."

In turn, you laid your crimson-streaked hand on his and chuckled. "You have a way with words, cowman. And I thank you for your comfort among many things."

"Doll, for you--anythin'." He promised. "Now let's get those hands washed and patched up. It's red all over and Hanzo might kill me if he sees this."

"But is it true, Jesse?" you asked as he led you to the bathroom's sink. "You never knew Genji was the brother Hanzo supposedly killed?"

"I..." McCree began sheepishly. "I didn't know Genji was even a Shimada--the guy barely talks, much like his brother! We were only together for 3 months in Blackwatch cuz he spent the majority of it under Overwatch's medical facility--so I was told. Plus...Han never really talks about that stuff so I wouldn't know from his side also."

"Small world," you hummed with a mischievous smile. "I just hope I can still repair whatever is left of my friendship with matter how different he may be now."

"He keeps to himself..." Jesse sighed as he reached for the ointment and bandages in the compartment behind the mirror above the sink. "So I can't do much about that but wish you luck."

The Dragon's Curse (A Hanzo X Reader Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin