A Second Try

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Ok guys, next chapter here! I wanna say thanks for the lot of you who read and vote and comment in my stories. It means a lot to me- so thank you!

I shall be updating my other books as soon as I can.  :)

Anyhow, back to the story!

Sore arms, cold wrists, a raw back, and a curtain of frizzy hair before his bloodshot eyes; these were the things that greeted Hanzo as soon as he regained his consciousness after another one of his peculiar fits.

The room was dark, and it took awhile for his amber eyes to adjust to the dim lighting; the floating spots swimming in his vision only hindered the clarity of his sight. The furnitures remained some of the vestiges from yesterday, the last time anyone has dared set foot inside his quarters. That was when his mind wandered to you. He remembered snippets of your frightened, pale, tear-stricken face, and the way your shrill screaming pierced through the air. Hanzo began to wonder if he had hurt you during those blurry parts he had a hard time getting a clear picture of, like a dream so vivid in slumber, only to leave teasing traces of what had happened in the morning. It was maddening.

The possibility of having killed you without his notice made his stomach churn and flip. He tasted the bitter bile on his tongue, and choked on the worry that clogged his throat. Oh, how he wanted to break free of these heavy chains to run down and see if you were well...but alas, he couldn't.

All he could do was whisper your name and pray to the gods.

Four silhouettes appeared in front of the shoji screens, and the heir barely mustered up the energy to go and try and discern who these could possibly be. There was a pregnant pause in his train of thought as he zoned out for awhile, but a realization dawned on him, and the worry left his chest.

The nurses, it's just the nurses.

The paper screens slid open, and from the other side, you covered your mouth as you gasped in relief, running over to your master without any restraint as the nurses tailed in with poise in their steps.

"Lord Hanzo!" you shakily said his name, and you grasped his angular face to make sure it was really him, and not the beast that threatened to take your life some time ago.

There was a jingle and clank of metal hitting another metal, and you glanced to the side to see a palace guard carrying a rusty loop of silver keys. One by one, the locks were undone, and the chain loosened its vice hold on Hanzo's limbs.

Without the support of the binds holding up his weight, Hanzo's hard body rolled forwards into your own, and he fell flat on your lap; a soft grunt escaping his chapped lips upon the soft impact.

The nurses put their masks on and instructed both the guard and you to help the clan heir lay supine unto his futon. With great effort, you did as they ordered, and in a short while, Hanzo was being tended to under the watchful eyes of trained professionals.

Of course you wondered how people of science could possibly help him with this peculiar not-so-logical predicament, but if they had done this to Hanzo for the many years that this has been going on, then maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to put a little bit of faith into their capabilities.

"Lord Hanzo, we'll need you to stay put," one of them enjoined as she got a syringe from her kit. "This might sting a little, but you know the protocol. You'll need this to get your energy back."

The needle was pressed onto his forearm, and there was a pierce of skin. Hanzo clenched his eyes shut as he fought to suppress a cry of pain. Immediately, his body broke out into a sweat, and the tightness of his eyelids loosened. You bit at your fingernails, thinking that he might go back into unconsciousness, but you saw the steady rise and fall of his chest, and heard the air passing through his parted lips, and you sighed, your body loosening up from the stiffness that was worry.

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