When Honor Bites Like A Wolf (Pt. 1)

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Hey guys! Here's the next part, and I just want to say that I appreciate the handful of you who have shown support on this story. Thanks for the reads, and thanks for having my back. Each star, each comment makes my day so yeah. I really do appreciate it a lot.

Don't forget to enjoy and vote, loves!  :*

Your palms glided over the expanse of Hanzo's broad shoulders to smooth the creases of his black montsuki that have formed there.
Trailing your eyes down the loose sleeves, you dusted any unsightly blemishes that might dull the shine of the intricate golden patterns circling along the cuffs. It would be such a shame if one paid more attention on the halfcoat's flaws rather than on the craftsmanship some tailor clearly put a lot of effort in.

Next, you pinched at each unbridled edge of the robe and dragged your fingers down where it ended just below the knees. The cloth resembled linen: strong, cool, and elegant, but without the natural luster.

Everything seemed to be in place, but just to make sure, you lifted your head once more and centered your focus on the mon emblazoned upon his upper chest. The sewn circle displayed the notable symbol of the Shimada family: the two dragons in an endless loop of gaining on the other. Whether it was for power, wealth, or the mere heck of it, you didn't really know. Hell, it had been the symbol for so long you doubted even Hanzo's father grasped its true meaning.

"There you go, Lord Hanzo," you huffed out, wiping the sheen of sweat that has formed on your brow. "You're ready to face the delegates. I am confident that you'll pull through, although I'm not sure I could say the same for your brother."

"Trust me," Hanzo chuckled, observing your delicate hands tend to such a commanding outfit. "He may appear laid-back and reckless, but there's more to him than that. He's a good man--almost equal in skill as I am."

You ran the pad of your fingers over the crest and sighed, a small smile reflecting your pride on your workmanship.

"I know your brother is a good man, Lord Hanzo," you muttered, the grin on your face never fleeing. "To be honest, now I see why women flock around him. A part of his personality really is quite...appealing. Plus, he's easy on the eyes."

The man's brows furrowed, and the orbs once staring at you with interest nearly shrunk into slits.

"Oh?" Hanzo asked, trying his hardest to sound aloof. "So in other words, you mean to say that you find him handsome?"

"Yes," you replied, still not catching on the shift in the atmosphere, or rather his face. "He is rather...physically endowed as well."

"With the way you're talking, I have reason to suspect you're involved in ...romantic affiliations with Genji?"

In a flurry of excitement and fluster, your fingers dug at the montsuki, and seeing the new wrinkles taking shape underneath your vice grip did nothing but tighten the claws that took hold of your heart.

"N-No, Lord Hanzo!" you stammered helplessly, levelling the black fabric with desperate, clammy hands. "Of course not! Your brother is just a friend and my superior--honest!"

"For your sake, I hope so too." His tone held taints of suspicion and petulance at your less than graceful answer. It almost sounded like he didn't buy it.

But it's true! I don't have any romantic feelings for Genji.

"Anyway," he sighed, "I should make my way down now. Father is bound to be in the meeting halls any minute."

"Wait, Lord Hanzo!" you called out as he slid his quarter's screens open. "Don't forget your sensu!"

You grabbed the blue ornate folding fan lying on his low wooden table and shoved it into his hand. You looked up and smiled at him, encasing his fist in your two palms.

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