Chapter Four|Xavier..

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"Y-your -y Xavier's London?
what are you doing here?" how did you fine me?

"Relyn"  he deep voice growled

"Y-yess? I Just found out I had sex with the most youngest CEO out there And to not brag or anything I am freaking supposed to be a virgin! I wanna to do it when I fall in love.. but.. Guess what not everything works out! I am so frustrated with this! can't even tell you how hard it's been sense I found out I was pregnant." I say so fast that I hadn't even took a deep breath of air for the whole sentence.

...wai-Fuck...Damm it... I just told him I was pregnant...shit...

"Come again? Your what now?

"I'm going to leave so you...Two can have a talk" lindy said I give her a fast hug and then she past Xavier, giving him a death glare.

"I'm...pregnant" I say voice low after Lindy was out of the apartment door, but he heard it, his face look's like it wanted to kill something. Is he anger with me because I'm pregnant with his baby?

"I...i..don't Know.. I was going to see a way to call you and tell you...Can you get a DNA test for me to see if this is your baby...right please tell me you remember something-y-you have too?
I stuttered my nerves are shaking

"...WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DO NOT KNOW WHORE!..Did you really fuck me then someone else ....hun?DID YOU!!!" he yelled

Okay bit of a asshole guy

I slam the door in his face and locking it shut, don't cry do not cry Ree, about what he just said to me, Coming up with an idea! I write a note for him. Saying. Dear Xavier :

If you can't control your Anger asshole then leave, I do not know who the baby Daddy IS! I don't really remember who I was with at the bar that night. My friends remember more then me, I found out it was you who had I been with for the majority of it. But I do not remember who I had sex with. You could have left me..I -I don't again really remember anything. I was drunk that night I was so stupid to get drunk, I want to find out who the father is.. If you remember who I was with or if I was with you. Please tell me. But I can't handle anger or your frustration. So please just come back when you can have a better attitude.

..Relyn..or Ree


I slid the note for him I look a the hole to see him pick it up and read it.

It's been like 4 minute's, And I am still look at him though the hole.. He has dark black hair tan skin that's so smooth looking and blue eyes that are so blue they look like the sky when it's clear. I didn't realize that he was talking to at that moment.

"Let me in" is all he said.

Really he thinks I just going to let him in, Nope he has to earn it.

"No.. I think you can wait ... leaves it at that. and walk back to my couch plopped down to watch so TV (Lucifer) I put the volume up height enough so he can't hear me.

"Open the door Reelyn"...

"NOPE" I yell

"Bye," I said after a second

I didn't hear him anymore so I turn the volume down a bit. Ok he's gone..

After a hour I was getting tired of watching the show, and click it off, And went to bed.


(A week later)

He hasn't show up? I don't get it at all he was here one sec then
gone the next, it's his baby my gut tell me. What am I going to do? He has to know who I am he some how found where I live soo
I'm guessing he knows who I am... "Ahhh soo go Damm dumb!" If I haven't to be such a light weight Drinker then maybe I wouldn't have been in this situation.

'Damm it! Ree you couldn't help yourself could you?' I mutter to my other self in the bathroom, Wiping the moisture of the mirrors..

I just hope I'm not alone in this...


(I Am Not a professional, writer! I do this for my sake, of not to be bored of  myself 😪)

(This is my book I made and No stealing. ......I'll be surprise is someone did, but if ya did- IMA BEAT YA butt! oh okay that sounds weird but I'll do it!)

All rights reserved.


(Word count 766)

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