Chapter Eight: Unknown..

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(Xavier Pov)


"Brenton...What do you want me to say? that I-I fuck Our mate and got her pregnant!" I huff

I did mess up big Time here... I-I screw up every time every dam time... What my Brothers would think of me I already in trouble from something else, let's not try to remember that. I feel ashamed of myself what would mom an Dad, Especially dad think of me?

"Well... This is on you Xavier.. I not going to tell them you are.
And you will be doing that right when they get home."

"B I'm sorry I so fucking sorry! "I tear up a little, head down in shamed.

"Xavier... Why? Why would you do that! I-I can't even! She ours but she isn't supposed to be pregnant with your child it's supposed to be Preston's...head of the kingdom first born."

"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT! I-I IT JUST HAPPENED SO I AM SORRY! I SORRY I'M SUCH A FUCK UP!" I Say walking out of the office not realizing all of my bothers where there the whole time....

(Name of the seven bothers)

Xavier age 26 youngest (twin)
Brenton age 26.             (Twin)
Slather age 27
Axel age 28 (Twin)
Eric age 28 (Twin)
Kenston age 29 sec oldest
Princeton age 30 oldest

(There mate)

(Reelyn (26 years old)


"So are you going to tell be what all that was about back there?"
Princeton ask me after I came out of my room for dinner,
What am I suppose to say to that? I Don't want to let them down again. Ashamed I Don't look at my big bother to nervous to look at him I just mumble "nothing".

Well that didn't please him, at all
"Xavier Lond Joseph! Look me in the eye an say what You did was Nothing, I dare you!" he didn't yell it though it   was enough to jump a little in my chair.

"P-Princeton I-i sor" I didn't get to finish a second later my head in a head lock his arm cutting, My air pipe off. "Your sorry. Really because all I have to do. Is say two words and your done. Would you like that bother? You Don't respect Me or your other brothers? Hmmm No? This was the last straw no more chances to save you. you Don't get my respect no more, Kenston put our bother in the cell down in the basement." Princeton push me to my sec oldest bother I try to keep calm but I take a look at my older bothers and panic, the look on there face tell me all of it... I-I lost my bothers all of them and the chance to be with out mate...


Kenston pov

I have no words to express what I feel right now. Our youngest bother disrespect our bond with our mate, our Mate is out there alone with our baby, Not even born yet. I wish I can hold her in my arms, I quickly put my thought away when I hear Xavier cry to me to us. I would say he's a pussy but we all know Xavier's was an still is the most emotional One. He was when he was a baby still kinda is. He the most say trouble kid too, he old enough to know right and wrongs but that doesn't stop him we try to help him with issue he always had as a kid he'll cry some time a night with out being up. I wouldn't say he had anger issue but just really hard to to listen. At this moments I just want to save him from what Princeton's ideas of saving him from being banish of the kingdom, Princeton's is the only one who can do that. Big boss is what I would define his job.
I look at Xavier and sudden look away. Why could he call us that he found out mate. We are possessive men especially Princeton, We just follow him really.

"Just go" Xavier said head down.

"We need information about her where she live and stuff Xavier.
She coming here to live and we'll raise the child if she has it still?
You... On the other hand..Well we still are thinking of something.
Mom and dad know what's going on. They are coming here soon as we fine our mate. But we need her name and address."

There was Silence for a couple of minutes Xavier deep in thought,
"Pass me a note pad and pen." is all he says

Going upstairs to grab those item's, then back down I pass it through the door box , he gets it and start writing down everything he know's.

Passing it too me, he asked something that I smirk to "So what am I suppose to do here? Yes I am here because of what I did but I have a company to take care of, there be question?"

"Oh... Well your bother will be taking over it. Tell them the decision is over.

After saying that I walk back up stair locking the door before hand.

Going to Princeton's office and dropping of the note pad, Before leaving I look at some file's of Xavier company, Ours really but mom and dad said we should try and make Xavier do something that is in the family business. So we made him go work in St. John
Time to time back and forth to different office's.

Looking down on a company name I see it's under Brentons name. Leaving the office and back to my room to go to sleep thinking of our mate, Our mate that's is having a baby that's So special.
Last thing I say before I fall asleep is saying our Mate Name for the first time, where Coming for you Reelyn Summer....


(Warning I am not a professional writer so I make mistakes a lot and I am practicing still so there might be errors on words that don't make sense sorry 😶 May fix it up when the book is done.)

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(Words count 1052)

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