Chapter 15

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Tying his tie, Peter looked at himself in the mirror. It was the night of the dance in Central Park. Luckily, he had a few more hours until it started but wanted to be dressed so he could leave right away with M.J. Setting down on my bed, I picked up a framed picture from my nightstand. He sighed sadly looking at the picture. "You probably would have loved something like this. I wish you could be here... I miss you so much." Hearing his phone go off, he set the picture down and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, tiger. Are you ready yet? The guys want us to meet them there early."

"Yeah. Just... can we stop somewhere before we go? It's really important."

"Peter... you can't keep going there all the time. It's not healthy."

"I don't go there all the time."

"Bullshit. I talked to Aunt May already to see how your mental health was. She said that you go there almost every day. Do you really think she'd want that from you? You visiting her grave so much that it tears you apart? I don't think she does. I know I sound like a bitch but it's the truth. I'll be there in ten minutes... be ready."


Everyone was gathered in the beautifully decorated Central Park. Beautiful dresses and well-made suits were worn, everyone hoping to catch the eye of someone special. Even Wade was there, but not as himself.

"Well actually in a way I am myself. Don't let the author try and fool you. I just snuck one of those cool watches from S.H.E.I.L.D. that lets you look like someone else. I put in what I looked like before Francis fucked up my heavenly face."

"Wade Wilson. Are you breaking the fourth wall again?"

"Speaking of heavenly faces." Smirking a bit, Wade turned to see a surprised Peter. "Baby boy! Look at you all dressed up in a fancy suit."

"W-what... you look..."



"Yeah. This is what I used to look like before that bag of dick tips turned me into... yeah, that."

"You don't need some watch. I think you look per- "

"Peter!" Jumping into the conversation, Johnny smiled and slung an arm around Peter. "I didn't know you'd be here. I'm glad you are you thought. We need to spend some more time together. I'll save a dance just for you."

"Thanks, but no thanks, Johnny. I was in the middle of a conversation."

"Who could be more important to talk to then me?" Looking up at Wade, his eyes went wide. "...Hey, Peter, can I get that dance now?"

"No. Don't you have some girls to go make swoon? I want to hang out with my friend."

"I thought we were friends."

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