Chapter 16

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Running into the main room of the tower with Steve, Peter went straight over to Wade. "Wade. I got here as fast as I could. What happened?" Dropping down to the ground in front of him, Peter looked at him before taking the watch and ripping it off and tossing it somewhere.

Not even fazed by it, Wade looked at Peter with red and puffy eyes. "T-they took her and I-I couldn't do anything... I couldn't save her. I couldn't save, my daughter!" Head dropping, he let out broken sobs and sniffles, not being able to be strong anymore feeling completely useless.

Eyes going wide, he slowly stood and looked down at the broken man in front of him. "Who...? Who took her?"

"I don't know. They looked like the guys who had you on the roof..."

"No. No this is not happening again. Wade, suit up. We're going to go get her."

"Whoa. Slow down there, Peter. You can't just go racing off to go fight some guys armed with magic or whatever it is, just for a little girl. You don't have a plan, you don't have anything to protect yourself with." Tony said, worry lacing his words.

"Since when are you one for being careful and having a plan? And she's not just some little girl! She is an innocent girl that they're probably doing horrible things to. She also happens to be Wade's daughter. Shouldn't those two things be enough?" Going over to MJ, he held his hand out for something she had hidden on her.

"Are you sure you want to do this Peter?"

"I don't have any other choice. I won't be able to do this without them knowing." Taking a breath, he turned his attention to Tony. "I need you to try and track her. Please. I'm about to trust you with a very important secret. So please just..."

"...I got you, kid. JARVIS."

"I am on it, sir."

"So, what's this secret?" Clint asked going over and joining the group.

Taking the mask out, MJ handed it to Peter and he took off his suit. "I want you to keep me posted this time. You scared me half to death last time. Do I have to go tell on you to Harry again?"

"No. Please, anything but that. He'll make me go work with him at Oz Corps for a week again." Smiling a bit, he took the mask, the only piece now missing from his Spider-Man suit. "Thank you, MJ. I'll make sure someone keeps you updated. I'll be too busy kicking butt."

"Go get 'em, Tiger."

Turning to the group, he smirked a bit at their surprised expressions. "Surprise bitches." Putting the mask on, he leaned against the couch seeing an overly surprised Deadpool behind them.

"What the shit biscuits?! I thought there was something familiar about you Baby Boy. But I couldn't put my finger on it."

"I knew it! Well not really this but I knew there was something nonhuman about you! You're a mutant." Tony yelled, still shocked but really excited.

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