Chapter 9

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Swinging around as Spider-Man, Peter was a bit bored. Usually, he'd be thrilled for a chance to relax for the night but something about night left him with a bunch of energy he needed to burn off. Landing in a nearby alley, Peter sighed out and was about to grab his backpack so he could change, when he heard voices.

"Yeah, we got the girl. Now we just need to get the kid. They'll be like putty in our hands."

"We should just summon him. He'll be able to get whatever he wants after he's here."

"You know we have to have the offering when we summon him. If we don't, it won't work and there will be punishment from him."

Running over to try and get more information from them, he nearly tripped when he saw that no one was there. "I could have sworn... there were people talking..."

"Hey! Hey Spidey!"

Groaning, Peter rubbed his temples. "I don't think I'm in the mood to deal with Deadpool right now... but I'll have to sooner or later. Just hope he doesn't ask me more about my civilian self."

~ ~

A week later, Peter was at his Aunt's, spending the day with her, telling her all about his new job and friends but his phone was going off like crazy. Getting tired of it, he excused himself and opened the messages. His face slowly relaxed into a small smile at his friends' selfies. Some single, double, or as a group. All wishing him a happy birthday. He even got on from Wade both in and out of his costume, not that you could really see his face all that well, but it was sweet none the less. There was also a message from Reed reminding him about his party that night. Coming back out, Peter kissed May's cheek. "I'm going to grab a few things and switch out memory cards for my camera before the party."

"Alright. Be safe and be back by six so you can get ready in time."

"I will. I promise." Running out the door, he skated towards his apartment. Once there, he quickly ran inside and changed the memory cards and grabbed his backpack, heading out. About halfway back, he only had half a second warning before being pulled into a building, blindfolded with his hands and legs tied together. 'These must be the guys I heard talking the other day...' Peter thought as he tried to get free.

~ ~

Walking back to my crappy apartment, I sighed out. I couldn't get that kid out of my head. He was fucking beautiful. My dumbass didn't even try to talk to him when we ran into each other. Literally. Okay, I did but I think I scared him away. Not like that's anything new.

(You totally should have asked him out)

{Yeah. He seemed annoyed and/or scared of us. He'd totally say yes. Should we remind you that he ran away from us?}

I could almost hear the eye roll in White's voice. Wait, can he roll his eyes? Does a voice inside of your head even have eyes? Not the point. I'm getting off topic here. "Shut up you two. You've been at it for a week and it's really pissing me off. I'd say driving me crazy, but I control that bus now." I couldn't get these two to shut up for anything. I mean, that's normal, but this time I can't get them off this one subject.

(All that sass and ass. He might have a better ass then Spider-Man. Remember, he's not afraid of us. We could have a shot!)

Luckily, my phone went off. So, yay for distractions! Answering it, I smile at the name on the caller I.D. "Weasel! What's up buddy?"

"The Avengers called looking for you. Why are they calling me?"

"I don't know. Why are they looking for me? I'm like their least favorite person. Did I do something wrong again? I swear that guy was dead when I got there."

"What? Never mind. I don't want to know. They said something about a bodyguarding job."

"Oh! That sounds fun! And they want me? I'm so touched. It almost brings tears to my eyes."

"Yeah, so, get your ass over there now so they stop blowing up my phone. And give them your phone number."

"Alright keep your panties on. I'll go now. Later ~" Hanging up, I started to skip to the tower. Only to skid to a stop when I heard a familiar voice then scream. ". . ." Gasping, it hit me! "Baby boy!"


*P.O.V. Change*

Looking around, I saw that I was on a rooftop surrounded by men wearing all black clothes with matching tattoos. "Whelp. I've been captured by a cult." I said to myself as I watched them whisper something I couldn't make out. There were some big, bulky books near me with a strange language on them that looked familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it. They flip through them a lot, they must be important. My thoughts were interrupted, however, by something black and red. Blinking to make sure I was seeing things, my mouth fell open. "Deadpool?" He looked over and put a finger to where his lips would be on his mask, signaling me to be quiet. What was he doing here? Not that I'm complaining right now.

"Oh, Loki, God of mischief. We call upon you."

Loki?! That means that the language on those books was Norse. That's why it looked familiar. Wait... they're summoning Loki... oh hell no! I am NOT being offered up to Loki for whatever strange reasoning they have. There's a list of reasons and I kind of figured out that they needed me alive so... I really hope it's not the latter of what I'm thinking. Why me? Why is it always me?!

"We offer you this young man in exchange for your help."

"Hey, baby boy." I heard Deadpool whisper from behind me. I must have made a loud noise because I now had a leather gloved hand over my mouth. "You need to keep quiet or we'll get caught trying to escape. Understood?"

Nodding my head, I saw him take out a small dagger and cut the ropes off my wrists and ankles. Standing, I rubbed my rope burnt wrists before the dagger was pushed into my hands.

"You should have some sort of weapon on you at all times baby boy..."

"Um... thanks." Wow. He must really care about my safety to give me one of his favorite and best daggers. It had a crimson colored blade that connected to a black handle that had some sort of cool design I could have sworn I'd seen before. Oh boy, here we go again with that. Can I remember anything?! Anyways, back on topic, I remember him bragging and showing it off to me when I was Spider-Man the night he got it. The thought made me blush a bit. "But I don't know how to use one," I whispered to him.

"Just swing and swipe for now."

"Alright." Grabbing my bag, I stole a look at the books. I was super curious about them. Maybe they'll help me figure out what the hell is going on. "Wait one minute. I want to check those books out." Quietly, before he could stop me, I went over and started to put them in my bag.

"Hurry up!" He whisper-yelled at me. Looking over, I saw Loki started to appear.

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