Chapter 13

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Later that night, everyone was enjoying playing Just Dance while Peter was staying away from everyone, sitting on the couch looking over the books he had brought with him. He had yet to tell everyone about being kidnapped on his birthday and he wasn't planning too. But, life has a way of fucking shit up for him.

"I can't make sense of any of this..." Sighing, Peter set his glasses and the book aside and rubbed his face. "Maybe I should ask Thor to help. I only met him once... if you can call that a meeting."

"What are you doing over here Peter? I thought we were having fun, not doing homework." MJ said jumping over the couch and sitting next to him. Picking up a book she made a face. "Why are you reading a Norse book? It's so dusty."

"I... have my reasons. Very important reasons."

"Whatever you say, ya nerd." Setting it down, she leaned all her weight on him making him almost fall over onto the other books and his notes. "When are we hanging out with Wade again? I wanna see if he'll go commit arson with me."

"One, he probably would. Two, you know that I'd come by and stop you before the police tried to throw you into jail. And three, whenever he comes back from whatever mission the Avengers have him on. He's a bodyguard for some important guy."

"Man... I'm bored and he's been gone for a while."

"He's only been gone for a week." Although, Peter did have to admit that he did miss the merc. But not to MJ. She'd just make fun of him and tell him to sleep with him or something. She's done it before and Peter was not prepared for what had popped into his mind. Shaking the thought off before his mind could think of something inappropriate, Peter pushed the redhead over and stood to put the books away.

"Come on. I know you miss him too. He's fun to hang out with."

"Yes, I know he is. But there's nothing we can do about it."

"Peter... is that a knife?"

"What?" Before he could hide it, let alone reach for it, MJ had grabbed it out of the hostler that Wade had insisted he wore it clipped to his belt at all times. "MJ, give it back."

"Why are you, the person who stresses all the time about no killing, carrying a knife?"

"One, it's not a knife it's a dagger. Two, it was a gift. So give it back." He'd try to reach for it but he didn't feel like having someone get accidentally stabbed in their game of keep away.

"You seem to really want this back. Who gave it to you? Huh? And why?" Wanting answers, she wouldn't give the thing back until she got them. "Is it a secret boyfriend that you've been keeping from us all? Is that why you haven't let the guys have sex with you?"

"Boyfriend?" Hearing only that one word, Tony turned and faced them. "Who's got a boyfriend?"

"No one! Now give me the dagger back."

"Since when do you carry a dagger? You yelled at me for carrying pens after I tried to stab Clint with one."

"You can't be trusted with pens!"

"He was going to break my arm!"

"Okay, this is amusing and all but I'm going to have to put a stop to it," Natasha said going over to the three and taking the dagger from MJ and looked it over. "This is a really high-quality dagger. Peter, why do you have an assassin grade dagger?"

All eyes were on Peter now, making him the most uncomfortable he's ever been. "Well... I might have run into trouble on my birthday... I got kidnapped by some magic freaks and Wa- Deadpool... came and saved me. He gave me the dagger so I'd be able to protect myself... I haven't used it yet but he insisted that I have it so I kept it as a birthday present. I like to keep it on me..." Peter couldn't look at any of them so he kept his eyes glued to the floor, a dark blush stained his cheeks.

"Aw ~ that's so cute baby boy. I'm glad you like my present so much." Looking over at the voice, Peter couldn't be more embarrassed. Wade had snuck in and heard the whole thing. "So sweetheart, did you miss me?" Going over to the cute nerd, Wade put his arm around his shoulders.

"Oh, you know he did. I did too. Let's go and blow shit up!"

"Sorry MJ, as much as I would love to go fuck shit up with you, tonight I'm going to be sticking with my baby here."


"What? Oh, did I embarrass you more?" Chuckling, he plopped down on the couch. "So why are we talking about the pretty little dagger?"

"We'll get to that later. But first, I want to know why you thought it was a good idea to keep from us the fact that you were attacked and kidnapped." Steve interjected, angry and worry written on his face.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't think about it first and when I finally thought about... I didn't want to drag anyone else into this. People have already been hurt because of me. I don't want that to happen to any of you."

"Peter. You know that what happened wasn't your fault." Wrapped her arms around his shoulders from behind, MJ hid her face in his back, tearing up at the thought of what had happened. "And they face stuff like this all the time. They'll be fine. Your safety is important to us just as much as ours is to you

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