Chapter 19

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Opening his eyes, Peter was met with the sun and a clear blue sky. Sitting up, he held the spot on his chest where his heart would be, only a dull ache was left that slowly lessened. Standing up, he looked around seeing that he was in the same meadow that he and Gwen would study sometimes.

"Peter." Turning to when hearing the voice, his eyes went wide. Standing there was a smiling and beautiful as ever Gwen. "You did well. I'm so proud of you for not giving up and giving in to Loki and his tricks."

Running over, Peter took her into his arms and held her close. "If I'm dead then this better be heaven."

"It is. But Peter, you have done so much and sacrificed yourself to save all of those people without a second thought."

Looking around, Peter and Gwen were confused and scared seeing no one.

"Do not be afraid. I cannot reveal my face, but I am very powerful and would like to offer you a second chance at life."

"A second chance?"

"Yes. You wouldn't know it but you would have a certain feeling so to say. It would be an all-new experience with similarities of course. And you could have Gwen with you."

"A chance to see everyone again, and have Gwen by my side."

"I love that idea." Smiling, the blonde held her hand out. "What do you say? Start a new life? Together?"

"This isn't how I pictured this question going but... Gwen Stacy, I would be honored to start a brand-new life together with you." Smiling, Peter took her hand, holding it in both of his.

A bright light developed them as life entered their bodies once again and time seemed to be moving backward. A new life began for the two as if nothing had ever happened.

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