Chapter 8

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Working in the lab with Bruce, Tony was going over all the possibilities there could be on the question floating around in his head. "I don't understand... his injuries from the Hulk healed like nothing. He had a serious head injury, two broken ribs, and a broken arm. Everyone was healed except for his arm and it was just his wrist that's now a sprain. And that tranquilizer should have put him completely out of commission as it did to me. But nope. It ran through his system like he just had a bad fever. What even is this kid?"

"We'll never know the answer if we don't get a DNA sample," Bruce said just as curious and confused and as Tony. "It doesn't add up... he can't be completely human.

"How am I supposed to get DNA from him right now? We'll have to sneak some from him next time we see him." Rubbing his eyes, Tony sat down on a stool. "How word about Eleanor?"

"Not that I've heard. I'm starting to worry... Natasha and Clint should be back soon with information."

~ ~

It was soon August 20th. Things between Peter and Bruce were back to normal, but Peter was still freaking out. It was only a week before he turned 18. Working in the lab with Bruce, the brunette kept dropping things and curse, his anxiety getting the best of him yet again. "Dammit..."

"Is everything okay Peter?" The scientist asked, a bit worried. His friend wasn't his usual self lately.

"Yeah. Yeah... no. Who am I kidding? No, it's not. My birthday is coming up and I'm stressing out." Peter said running his fingers through his already messy hair.

"You're stressing out over your birthday?" Bruce asked and couldn't help but to chuckle at that. "Peter, you're being ridiculous."

"I'm serious. I'm turning 18. This huge. And Reed is trying to throw me another party. The last party didn't go too well... also with having to avoid Johnny... I'm sorry for ranting like that." Sighing, he took off his glasses and rubbed his face. "And MJ is just going to make it worse."

"It's fine. I can understand trying to avoid a Fantastic Four party but why are you avoiding Johnny?"

"We have a... complicated... friendship."


"He is constantly trying to have sex with me. I mean he tries to get me to go out with him but mostly sex. It's a bit unnerving honestly." Looking over at Bruce, Peter's face dropped. "You okay?"

"I... I can't stand this anymore." Tossing his glasses aside, Bruce grabbed his arm. "Peter..."

"Y-yes?" He stuttered out, feeling his cheeks heat up and heart speed up as Bruce moved closer to him.

"I- "

"Mr. Parker. You have a visitor. A Miss. Watson."


Sighing, Bruce stepped away from him. "Go on. We can talk later."

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