Chapter 17

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The battle was getting intense as all the heroes were fighting Loki and whatever monsters he opened a portal for. The Avengers were keeping them from getting to the rest of the city while also trying to keep them away from Peter while he battled with Loki. A battle that he was on the losing end of.

"Give it up and just submit! If not, I will have no choice but make it so you cannot run away."

"That's not going to happen anytime soon. You can hit me with all you got but I'll never give in." Getting blasted with magic from his staff, Peter was sent flying through the air and towards a building. Still disoriented from the blast of magic he couldn't shoot a web and swing out of the way.

"Pete!" Feeling his body hit something solid, he slowly opened his eyes and looked up to be met with a pair of blue eyes. "Hey. You okay moron?"

"Johnny...? What are you doing here?"

"That's not really important now. Why the hell are you fighting a guy with a magic stick? You don't have powers."

"Do too. I just can't use them when I get hit with magic. I couldn't swing out of the way. My Spidey Senses won't work either."

"Swing? Spidey Senses? Oh my god, you're Spider-Man?!"

"Yes. You know, you have soft lips?" Staring at Johnny's mouth, he wouldn't stop himself from talking. "The one day you kissed my neck, I wondered what it would be like for you to actually kiss me but I couldn't bring myself to ask you to kiss me."

"...Guys! I think Pete got hit with a truth spell!" He yelled through the coms.

"That's great info Johnny but please don't yell through the coms. It's painful for everyone. Especially me since I'm in a suit with speakers in it." Tony said through gritted teeth. "Just keep him on a roof or something until he's able to protect himself again."

"So, I have to babysit him? If I do I might end up making out with him."

"If it keeps him out of trouble then I'll turn a blind eye just this once."

"Sweet!" Landing on top of a roof, he set Peter down and made sure he wasn't hurt. "You okay Peter?"

"Yeah. I'm okay. What are you doing here though? And everyone else for that matter?"

"We're all here to help you. We love you, you know?" Smiling, he put his hands on the now heat and red cheeks of the adorable man in front of him.

"Really? L-like love, love? Not family or friend love?"

"That would-be MJ, Natasha, Reed, Ben, and Sue. The rest of us that you've met love you so much more than that."

"Wow. I can't imagine some of you guys in love."

"Shut up and kiss me, Peter." Pulling him forward, Johnny give him the kiss he had been hoping for, for the last two years. The kiss was soft and sweet but full of passion.

Finally giving in to his desires, Peter wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck, pulling him closer loving the heat coming from him. After a few minutes, Peter finally pulled away from the kiss seeking air to fill his lungs. "Wow..."

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself up there, but we could use a little help lover boy," Ben said through the coms. "Johnny come and melts these ice monsters for us."

"Alright. I'll be down in a moment." Looking back over at Peter, he put his hands on his shoulders. "Peter. I want you to stay here and be safe, okay? Don't go down there. Understand?" Seeing him nod, Johnny flew off to join the battle once again.

Watching everyone fight and get hurt just for him, Peter tried to think of a way to end this. Then the answer hit him like a ton of bricks. "I know what I have to do..."

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