34 | The Recruitment Tavern

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    "Come on," Nox urged, nudging Glarid's arm. "You said you needed an errand boy, didn't you? Take him for just three days, once a week. He won't cause much trouble."

    Glarid harrumphed, rearranging his counter so everything was pristine. Kael's stomach growled loudly.

    He laughed, embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head. "I skipped breakfast. Do you think I can get something to eat?"

    "He's Kly's brother, Glarid," Nox insisted. "Feed him, then take him in. What's the worst he could do?"

    Glarid sighed. "You aren't going to leave me alone until I agree, are you?"

    Nox grinned. "Get me my usual, and give one to Kael while you're at it."

    With a guttural growl, the large bear of a man stooped down and rummaged through what Kael assumed was a cupboard. He threw two packets of nuts on the counter, and Nox immediately tore his open.

    "Thanks," he said, throwing a nut into his mouth. "Get me some Sizzles, too."

    "I know," Glarid snapped. He disappeared behind a door and emerged with what looked like two green potion bottles. Instead of cork, however, bottle caps sealed the top. Kael grimaced as he remembered drinking it only once when Hont was not stingy for once during Trading Week. The beverage was quite popular in Rubis. It tasted sweet, but as its name suggested, it sizzled down his throat. He had a coughing fit after making the mistake of gulping it down like water.

    "You mad, Glarid?"

    Glarid glared. "No."

    Nox removed his Silver Wolf pocket watch and snapped it open. "You know what I heard?" He positioned the lid of his pocket watch under the bottle cap.

    "What?" Glarid didn't sound happy about asking.

    "That if you bottle up your feelings," he pushed down, and the cap popped up from the bottle, "you'll blow your cap off!" Grinning, Nox caught the bottle cap midair.

    Glarid groaned. "You're the worst. Fine. I'll take the boy. Just leave already."

    "Thanks, chump!" Nox took a swig from his bottle. "Let me get yours, Kael."

    After popping off Kael's bottle cap - and pocketing it - Nox grabbed his bag of nuts and tossed several notes on the counter.

    "Keep the change. I'll see you later, kid." Nox waved his packet. "Go nuts."

    His exit left Kael in awkward silence. He grabbed his own packet of nuts and began eating them one by one.

    "So." Glarid's voice stiffened Kael. "You're Kly's kid?"

    "His brother, yes," Kael replied politely, popping another nut in his mouth.

    "Same difference." Glarid waved his hand. "Anyway, let's see what you got. After you finish your drink, come around and I'll give you some chores to do."

    Kael stared at the bottle pensively. The word Sizzles was engraved into the glass, and Kael could see bubbles rising from the green liquid. He grabbed the neck of the bottle and gradually raised it to his mouth.

    The first gulp stung. He had to cough a few times before getting used to it. But once he got past the sizzling, it wasn't bad. It wasn't his favourite, but it wasn't bad. Like milk.

    He chugged the drink down, ignoring the strange painful way the liquid ran down his throat before putting the bottle on the counter and wiping his mouth.

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