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Day 21 continued:
Keith was running around the ship recklessly. He only cared about getting Lance back to the castle... preferably alive (wait that makes Keith sound creepy kinda oops).

His armor was soaked with Lance's blood, the muscles in his arms straining with the extra weight (yeA lance lay off the cupcAKES lol ew what did I just say).
Not that Lance was heavy, really. In fact, he was worryingly skinny- which only fueled his anger and determination to get out.

Lance was shaking in his arms now (BONDING MOMENT 2.0!), and Keith could see him struggling to breathe.
"Hold on, Lance..."

He ran through dozens of hallways and past countless doors, focusing in on the castles location being displayed in his helmet. He needed to get to his lion as soon as possible.

Of course, it didn't really help that there were several Galra soldiers tailing and shooting at him- he tried his best to shield lance from every blow so his armor could get the full force of the hits.
The shots hurt... but not as much as the thought of losing Lance for good (I love my children look they're in love).

He turned the last corner.
"YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY LITTLE PALADINS!!" A rough voice shouted after him, followed by an a c t u a l chair being thrown and hitting his back.
He tipped forward a little, regaining his balance the best he could. Bursts of magic were shooting past him as he jumped through the open doorway and pressed the button to close it behind him.

Turning his jet pack on, he used his remaining strength to climb into Red before abruptly dropping Lance and collapsing on the ground, unconscious.

When Keith woke up, his head was spinning. As he exited the healing chamber thing (yea no idea what that's called) he was in, his thoughts immediately turned toward the worst. The last thing he remembered was dropping Lance-  and he hoped he was okay.

He walked into the dining hall and saw his friends sitting around the table with grim faces.

"Hey Keith," Shiro began tiredly. "Feeling better?"

"Where's Lance? How long has it been?" He asked sharply.
Coran sighed happily. "It's been a couple days. Lance isn't due to come out of the sickbay till tomorrow- his injuries were worse than we imagined. But, he'll be okay- hopefully."

That last part didn't do anything to calm Keith's nerves.
"Hey man, why don't you go see him?" Came Hunks voice, a sleeping Pidge resting against his arm.

Keith gave a shaky breath and made his way towards the 'badly injured' bay they were keeping Lance in.

When Keith saw Lance he couldn't help but gasp (yea cause lance is beautiFulL eye candy ammirite I'm l a u g h I n g).
There was a bruise the size of Kansas on his left cheek, and probably countless bruises dotting his body. The stab wound had probably gotten down to a considerable scar by now, and other little cuts were littered along the sleeping boys face.
Of course, the sickbay wasn't going to do much for the trauma Lance went through, and that broke Keith's heart.

"I'm sorry Lance..." he breathed out. "I shouldn't have just left you that day... I thought you were behind me! I- I can never forgive myself for that. Seeing you like this... it hurts so badly. You shouldn't have helped me out back there. It should've been me! Why couldn't they have taken me..."

Broken sobs poured out of Keith like a waterfall. He couldn't imagine the pain Lance had went through, and the loneliness. Keith was used to being alone but, Lance... he deserved all the friends and attention in the world. (Lance does indeed deserve the world🥴🥴)

Hours passed, yet Keith stood dutifully by Lance's side, watching as his injuries faded slowly.

"Keith?" Allura called as she walked in. "It's about dinner time. Let's... oh."
The princess stopped short as she took in Keith's crying figure.

She crouched in front of him and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Keith... I know this has been hard for you- it's been hard for all of us. I mean the last thing I said to him was... I h-had yelled at him for not getting the drills right..." She let out a quiet sob.

"We all miss him Keith... but he'll be okay. As okay as the rest of us, anyway."
She gave him a watery smile and pulled him into a hug.

"Do you want me to bring some food down for you?" She asked quietly.
Keith nodded slowly as she pulled away, wiping the tears from his face.

As she walked away, Keith thought about his new family... He'd always had Shiro, but having new people who cared about him was odd sometimes. However, he was quickly growing accustomed to his new-dysfunctional family.
Coran was a brilliant storyteller, and Hunk and Allura were always there to listen and comfort him. Pidge was the almost super humanly smart younger sister who he could always count on for help. And Lance... Lance was something new entirely.

He was annoying, talkative, and a show off. But he was also unbelievably kind and funny- he could cheer Keith up in seconds. He brightened any room with his infectious laugh and brilliant smile. He was undeniably beautiful- both inside and out.

And Keith missed him terribly.

Keith didn't remember falling asleep. He had sat in front of Lance's healing figure for hours, hoping that he would wake up early.

He rested his head against Lance's healing pod with a sigh.
He didn't want to open his eyes just yet. He wanted to retreat back into his dreams where the team was all okay- Where Lance was okay.

He groaned and made to stand up when he heard the healing pods doors slide open, and someone awkwardly climbing (more like falling-) out of it.


(A/N)- hey hi hello it is me and this is an authors note lol hey
It's been.. months
This chapter is... not good
But I'm like kinda sad rn and I was kinda missing writing?? And also my GOAL is to finish this sucker and we're a l m o s t done ! Even though this chapter is uh not the best , I still had A LOT of fun writing it. And even though no one reads this anymore, it's fine because it's making me happy that I'm able to write again and hopefully finish this out in the future :)

Not gonna lie like I don't even like voltron that much anymore?? But my past self was obsessed with it and I still like kinda love it yknow it's a fond memory lol

Anyway! If you are reading this I'm sorry you had to endure this chapter oof lol! But I hope you maybe like it even a little.

ANYWAY!! Bye lol hopefully it won't be another 6 months till I update but... no promises ;))

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