Powering On

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Day 19:
Kieth had never had an easy time getting to sleep, more so now that his thoughts were constantly plagued with his teammates safety. He almost wished Hunk and Pidge hadn't built the small clock that lay on the table above him (from his position on the floor like the dork he is)- it was nice knowing what time it was on Earth, but it just reminded him of how many hours had passed since Lance had been captured.

It was nearing three in the morning, he'd been trying to sleep for about 5 hours- and no luck. If only his mind would do him a favor and turn off.

Kieth sighed as he adjusted his position on the floor. It was quiet. Eerily quiet. He normally enjoyed the silence, but at the current moment, it was just too much for him to bare.

He groaned as he forced himself into sitting position. He surely wasn't getting any sleep tonight.

He stood up and stretched before walking the short distance to his bedroom door, and entering the vast hallway outside of it. He didn't have a particular destination in mind, but his feet kept moving like they had a brain of their own.

It was only when he reached the door to Lance's bedroom that his feet halted. Just looking at the door made Kieth angry. The Galra has taken him from him- from all of them. And all he could do was sit and wait around.

He was sick of it. Sick of feeling useless. His friend was in danger and he could do nothing to save him- the friend with the sparkling blue eyes. The one who was insanely homesick, who could talk for hours and hours when he was truly excited about a topic. Lance was gone, and Kieth couldn't help thinking that he could've done more. He should've been the one to get taken by the Galra- Lance didn't deserve it one bit.

His eyes stung as he blinked away the tears forming at his eyes. He had done enough crying. It wouldn't help save Lance.

He took a deep breath and swung the door open.
Inside was a twin-sized bed, baby blue sheets wrapped around it. The night stand stood perched beside it, a pair of green headphones resting along side a blue robe. On the ground were the blue lion slippers Lance was so fond of.

There was a gaming console in the middle of the floor (because Lance is a giant nERD) and several stick-on stars glued to his ceiling (how'd he get them? Who knows maybe he found some at a space mall¿).

Kieth smiled lightly before sitting down on the blue bed. It still smelled like him.

He leaned back so he was laying down, face staring up at the dozens of stars. There were exactly 32 stars up there, and they didn't look anywhere near realistic. Still, Kieth found comfort in them.

He counted them again. And again. Something about Lance's room was much more peaceful than his own.

It felt like nearly hours before he finally drifted off, images of stars dancing behind his eyes.

The castles alarm system was blaring. Kieth jumped awake, semi-surprised to find himself in the blue Paladins room. He shook his head violently, trying to wake up and look not-dead so he could meet the others.

He ran through the corridors, stopping just outside the doorway where everyone was gathered around Blue's hangar.

"Wuh- what's happening guys?" Kieth panted.

Everyone started talking all at once.

"It's oN!"
"She turned on, Kieth!"
"She's working, she's working, she's working!"

Kieth's eyes widened in surprise, and he practically flew to where Pidge was standing in front of the blue lion.

"Did you find him?" Kieth whispered, afraid of the answer.

"Stop breathing down my neck, and maybe we'll find out." She replied, dutifully typing away at the laptop that was connected to Blue.

Several minutes passed by, everyone waiting  with baited breath and anticipation. They could find him- they had to.

"A-hA!" Pidge suddenly exclaimed. "Gotcha. Princess, here's the coordinates." She turned the laptop towards Allura, who hurriedly rushed to her perch (or whatever it is, space magic is weird bro) and entered them in.

Everyone gathered around her as the information was processed, impatience running thick. Seriously why was it taking so long?!

"Aaaand here we go!" Allura said, pressing enter. "Looks like he was last with Blue a few solar systems over, I can get a wormhole up in a few vargas. Until then, we need a plan."

Kieth almost growled. All he wanted was to get in Red and go get Lance himself. Without a wormhole however, there was not much he could do.

He sighed as he followed the others to the dining table. We're coming for you Lance. Hold on just a bit longer.

"So you're saying there's a chance his position might have moved?" Shiro asked Pidge, worry creeping in his eyes.

"Well... that's always a possibility. My guess is they haven't though, opting to keep still and out of the way is the best way to hide in plain sight. Even if they had, they probably wouldn't have gone very far."

Everyone sighed in relief.

"The wormhole should open up in the next ten doboshes!" The princess called.

Kieth's heart was pounding, and his ears were ringing. They were gonna find Lance!

They all shared a look.
"We have the plan, are you guys all ready?"

Nodding in agreement, everyone got up and proceeded to their respective hangars. After nearly 3 weeks, they had found him.

And Kieth sure as hell was gonna make sure he came back home with them.

(A/N)- hello hello helloooooo
Wowie I updated I'm in shock.

And would you look at that! Things are looking up for our little blue boy :)
I actually kinda like this chapter, I don't get to write from Kieth's point of view all that often and it was a nice change from all the torture.

Hope you guys enjoyeeeeed :')) adios amigos

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