The Deal

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Day 8:

Lance had been calmly staring into space (what else was there to look at?) when the metal door to his room/cage/cell was thrown open.

Lance barely looked up, disinterested.
"Oh, its just you."

Hagger growled lowly.
"You were the one to suggest a deal, I'm only complying. Now then, tell me about Voltron."

Lance made a timeout motion with his hands.
"Uh excuse me?? Lets recall what I said,shall we? You tell me what you know, I tell you what I know. Not the other way around, thank you."

His lips stretched into a smug smile at Hagger's dark look.

He watched cautiously as she pulled a chair out of no where (what the h e c k? Where was she hiding a chair??) and sat down with a huff. She looked down at him with disgust.
"Fine then. What do you want to know?"

Lance shrugged.
"How 'bout we start with your plans against Voltron? I mean, what are you trying to accomplish here?"

The witch paused, seemingly thinking hard. It looked pretty difficult.

After a few minutes passed, Lance was starting to get impatient. He tapped his foot against the floor, rolling his eyes. One minute she's annoying him with her screeching witch voice, and now she's just sitting there lifelessly?

Before Lance could shout at her to continue, she spoke up.
"Simple, really. Defeat Voltron, have the lions in out power."

Lance scoffed.
"And how do you plan to do that?"
Hagger showed him her ugly smile.
"Oh please. We've already started."

Lance's eyes widened. Already started?
"What do you-"

Hagger shushed him.
"Why do you think you're still alive? You've proved your worthlessness to us, why do you think we've kept you with a pulse?"

He feigned a hurt expression.
"Well I assumed it was my truly amazing good looks, why else?"

Hagger didn't even react. Do aliens even have a sense of humor? Maybe that's why the Galra were all psycho, they didn't know what funny is!

"Not a chance. The only reason your not floating through space is your friends. By my calculations, they should be planning your rescue this very second."

Lance didn't know how to feel. He wanted to believe that his team would come back for him, but there was no chance. Blue should have reached the castle by now, meaning Allura could pilot her! They would be just fine without him.

When Lance didn't answer, Hagger took it upon herself to speak again.
"Alright. Now for your half of the deal."

Lance shook his head free from his thoughts. She was wrong, his friends weren't coming for him. They couldn't possibly be that stupid.
"Whataya wanna know?" He asked with a sigh.

"Your petty plans for defeating us, of course."

Lance laughed lightly.
"Oh boy, I never thought you were this dumb."

The horrid smile the witch had on earlier completely vanished.
"What are you insinuating?" she asked slowly.

Lance shook his head once more at her stupidity.
"I haven't got a clue what they're up to," he said, laughing once again."I haven't seen them in who knows how long."

A few seconds silence passed.

Then, the witch had a sudden urge to hit the boy over the head with her chair. As it was, she did the next best thing. She blasted him with her magic.

Lance's laughing ceased, a building pain working through his head.
When Hagger finally released him, she lifted the poor boy up by his hair and slapped him hard across the face, leaving behind a red hand print.

"You are a sad excuse for a paladin! A sad excuse for a human, really! I can't wait until your little friends arrive."

Lance visibly gulped as the witches face loomed closer to him.
"Then I'll get to kill you myself!"

Sometime later, two figures were seen in a completely empty room. One stood calmly, while the other paced around said room in anger.

"A-and then he has the nerve to laugh! He called me dumb! Seriously Zarkon, I don't know why your so intent on keeping him alive until the others come, why can't we just put him out of his misery now?! Oh how I would love to-"

"Hagger!" Zarkon's loud voice interrupted the witches monologue.
"We've gone over this. They have to see us kill him. It's all apart of the plan."

Hagger groaned.
"Then what am I to do with him in the meantime? I don't think I can stand speaking with him again, I might just kill myself."

Zarkon smiled slowly, an idea coming into his head.
"Don't worry about it. I'm giving you a partner. This way you can both do what you wish with him."

Hagger cocked her head to the side.
"Partner? What partner?"

Zarkon's smile stretched even higher.
"I believe its time to introduce our little guest to a certain prince."

(A/N)- ohhh my gosh guys I'm so sorry for not updating in like 900 years.

I would give you excuses such as my phone broke, writers block (both true) but I'm not going to make you suffer through that.

Anyway thanks for reading! Hope you liked this chapter, and see ya next time!

Damaged Beyond RepairOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz