Dreams Dreams Dreams

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Notes- I should probably tell you that this story will have some particularly violent and bloody scenes. I promise you guys it's worth it in the end though...
Day 2:
The door to Lance's room slammed open, revealing Keith standing in the doorway.
"Oh my gosh Lance! I'm so glad your alive!"

Lance couldn't believe what he saw. His team, they'd actually come to save him?
A breath of relief flew from his mouth as he reached out for Keith's outstretched hand, and he was helped to his feet.

They were slowly making their way to the door when Lance saw two Galra soldiers stop in front of him.

"No." Lance whispered "I'm being saved, they can't catch us! W-we have to leave..."
The Galra surrounded the two boys, leaving them with no escape. They were roughly grabbed by their ears, and were dragged halfway across the ship.

They only stopped moving when they came to a wide opening of space on the floor. There, each held at gun-point were the Paladins of Voltron.

"This is all my fault! Th-they came to save me..."
Lance whispered again, before dropping to his knees and feeling the cold metal of a gun being pressed to his own head.

"You're right." The Galra soldier holding him captive had whisper-growled in his ear. "Now they're all going to die, and it will be all your fault."

Lance's eyes widened. "NO! No no no, don't hurt them. You can torture me, kill me even! But whatever you do, please don't hurt them." Fresh tears were spilling out of his eyes. To think he had been so happy only minutes before.

"No luck." The Galra soldier said again, this time louder. "Let's kill the little one first."

Lance barely had anytime to scream before a gunshot landed to Pidge's head, her small body hitting the ground with a soft 'thunk' and blood pouring from the new wound. She was dead.

Lance did scream now. Loud and piercingly, full of sorrow and regret. Not Pidge. How could Pidge have died? How could he let them kill her!?
Lance averted his eyes from the scene, only for his head to be pushed back up by the alien holding him.
"Watch. Watch them all die because of you."

The next one to be shot was Hunk. After him, was Shiro. Lance was forced to watch the whole thing. He was forced to watch them glaring at him until their last breath, until their eyes went lifeless and dark.

When the alien soldiers finally pointed there gun at Keith, Lance's sobs were the only noise heard in the room.

Keith growled. "First you go and get yourself kidnapped. Now, you get us all killed. Well gee Lance, you really are a failure in everything you do."

One last gunshot was heard, and Keith's head fell to the ground. Lance was completely and utterly alone.

"KILL ME!" Lance started to scream, the images in his head never once going away, the sounds the bullets made when it burned through his friends' flesh.

The Galra just laughed.
"This is your punishment you ugly earthling. You will live the rest of your life here, knowing that you killed off your friends. Knowing that there was nothing you could do to save them."

Lance broke down. He gripped his hair in his hands, pulling on the strands hard enough to feel pain. There was nothing I could do to save them...

Lance woke up with a jolt, sorrow still piercing at his heart. There was a moments relief in knowing that his team was not actually dead, that it was just a dream. He didn't really see Pidge's eyes roll to the back of her head, a puddle of blood surrounding her.  He didn't see the hatred in his friends eyes, before they too were dead. It wasn't real, they were okay. Lance was okay.

"Good morning scummy little earth boy. Ready to give me some answers yet?"

Scratch that. Lance was anything other then okay.
____________small time skip____________
After the terrible witch was finally gone, Lance allowed himself to cry once again.

Of course, Lance would never tell the Galra anything. They would have to either kill him or let him go eventually.
Somehow, he doubted it was the latter.

Lance still felt the searing pain that the witch brought with her, and he had the feeling that soon the pain he was dealing with would be a daily occurrence.
The worst part of his whole situation was that it never got better. Whether he was awake or out cold, dismay seemed to follow him now.

Lance longed to be back on the castle/ship. Even fighting (*cough* and flirting *cough*)with Keith seemed more preferable to being afraid 24/7 on a foreign alien ship.

Lance had never been much of a daydreamer, but now his only source of happiness seemed to be making his own virtual reality inside his mind. He had discovered this tactic through the second "interrogation" with the Galra witch, which happened to be only minutes ago (but seemed so long ago, considering the relief that he currently felt).

Now, he realized daydreaming was an escape. An escape from the pain, and an escape from his mind, his loneliness. He would dream of a warm bed, cozy blankets surrounding him like a cocoon. He would dream of being with his team, sitting around the big table and eating bowls and bowls of space goo. But most of all, Lance would dream of his home back on Earth.

He missed his hectic household. Cooking with his mother and sister, teasing his little brother, and even doing his homework with his father.
He missed the easy days. When he wasn't expected to be hero of the universe, or a pawn in a game that he didn't want to play.

Lance missed the days when he wasn't afraid that he could possibly die. He missed the comfort of his home, and he would give anything to be back inside it.
But Lance was billions of miles away from his home, and he was starting to think he'd never see it again.

Heck, he was starting to wish he'd never see anyone again.
For the next two hours, Lance cried himself to sleep. He was trying to forget the world, trying to forget his pain, even if only for a moment. Lance wanted to forget everything, for his emotions were too hurtful to carry.
(A/N)- Whoaaa another chapter. My poor baby Lance and his sad sad thoughts. No Keith's point of view in this one btw sorry guys!
Also, you should know that there is no major character death, so don't worry!
Anywhooo comment, vote, and tell me what you think.
See ya next timeeee :)

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