Bleeding out is n o t fun

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Day 21:

Lance was dying. (I'm laughing I'm really dramatic aren't I lol)

Like literally, no joke, dying. (yes cristen I think we've established this)

He felt faint, like all the blood was draining from his body...probably because it was.

Lance had accepted the fact that he would die in the hands of the Galra, but he hadn't expected it to be this painful. Why was dying so hard? (I'm laughing good q I ask myself that question everyday you're doing great Lance lol ok bye)
The first tear fell down his face. He tried to assess the damage of his stomach- the puncture wound itself was pretty small considering the amount of blood he was currently staring at. He figured he didn't have much longer till he passed out— or died. Whichever happened first.

The door to his cell/chamber/room thingie opened gently, revealing Lotor- seemingly angry.

Lotor's blurry image came running up to him, and suddenly hands were on his stomach, forcing the blood to stop its trail down to the floor in a puddle.
"What on Daibazaal happened here???"(haha get it cause like what on earth ha)

"Wombat...knife...stabby stab..." was all Lance was able to get out. Man, he was eloquent even when bleeding out!
An angry glare fleetingly passed by Lotors face before concern took over. Lance was losing blood at an alarming rate.

"Lance we n e e d to get you to a medic!"
Lance let out a broken laugh. Everyone on this ship wanted him dead... including himself. There was no way anyone would help him. He just hoped his friends got out safe.

After Lotor tried and failed to pick Lance up while still holding pressure on his stomach, Lance knew there was no hope for him. He was shocked by how sad this made him- he'd never see his Mama again- or his sister Veronica- or any of his family! He wished he could tell them he loved them one last time.

And also... his team. Shiro was his mentor, he looked up to him. Allura was like his sister (or his dead girlfriend according to canon lol you choose). Pidge and Hunk were his best friends! And Keith...
Lance was really going to miss them.

Keith was searching frantically. Their landing on the Galra ship hadn't been entirely friendly, but the team was so angry they smashed through every purple opponent they saw.

How hard could it be to find one Lance? Very hard apparently.

They were making it down the third corridor of the ship (with very bad decorations mind you- the interior designer in Keith was disappointed) when two more scary purple dudes approached.

Fueled by his anger and dire need for one (1) Lancey Lance, Kieth turned his bayard into his red sword (cause I started writing this after season 2 lol no point changing it now) and slashed at the Galra sentries feet, effectively making them fall to the ground and in turn buying him a few more seconds.

As Keith continued down the long hallway he heard the chattering of his teammates through the comm system.
"Any sign of him yet?" Shiro asked.
"No luck."

Keith was having trouble breathing. What if they got to him too late? What if they didn't find him at all?

He stopped outside the last door in the hallway. This had to be it. Please be in there.

When Lance's cell door opened, he was unconscious. The last thing he remembered was Lotor trying desperately to pick up his limp and bloody body- but failing in the end. He guessed that getting stabbed must have compelled him to pass out due to pain. Fun.

As for where he was now, he had no idea. He was floating through space, his skin glowing. Maybe he was dead? One could hope.

The scene stretched on for forever- Lance wasn't sure it even had an end.
"Fabulous." He said aloud, surprised in the clarity of his voice.
"Lance?? Lance are you alright?? WAKE UP!"
A voice exclaimed somewhere from behind him. It sounded strangely Texan (im lAugHIng).
It had to be Kieth.

What did he mean wake up? Wasn't he dead? Wait... was Kieth dead? No... what did he want him to do again- wake up? He couldn't remember falling asleep...

There was a sharp pain against his cheek as his eyes fluttered open and he let out a loud gasp.
He looked at the mulleted boy in front of him.
"D-did you just slap me? Ohh,, you're lucky I can't fight back pretty boy." Lance said hoarsely before coughing up some blood. Real cute Lance, reallll cute.
Keith blinked down at him in surprise and Lance fought the urge to laugh. After all, he was kinda dying here.

"Uhmmm excuse me? Could you kindly unchain me now??" Lotor's voice came from the corner of Lance's cell.
Keith's eyes shone with anger.
"Why would I ever let you out?"

"Well..." Lotor began. "For starters I could hook you up with a haircut... that style is n o t a good look."
Kieth let out an exasperated sigh before turning back to Lance who was losing blood by the minute.

"The rest of the team should be here shortly." he said softly.
Lance was at a loss for words. Why was Kieth,,, his rival being so sweet to him? Was it because he was dying¿ Hmmm maybe Keith did care about something other than his sword!

The only problem was, Lance didn't think he could last much longer. He took a glance down at the wound on his stomach... not looking too well. He was starting to feel really lightheaded too...
He felt more slaps on his cheeks.

"Lance! Lance, you have to stay awake."
There were cold hands holding pressure to his stomach. He heard a tearing sound (is that even a thing??) and then there was a coarse fabric being tied around his waist.
Another slap to his cheek. But he couldn't open his eyes. The dark was so nice, so comfortable...

He was in someone's arms, being lifted off the ground shakily. He wished that they would put him back down- his head was pounding.
"Lance! Alright I'm running you back to the castle myself. Please stay with me Lance, hold on a little longer." The mullet boy said.

Lance thought that was odd. He had nothing to hold on to... The dark was nice and quiet, and he could really use a nap.
So Lance let go, and once again fell into unconsciousness.

(A/N)- lOl hi it's me I am back and this chapter! Sucked unsurprisingly ahhh I'm sorry!
Honestly like I've been gone for like 6 months and no one reads this anymore—- but it is a personal goal of mine to finish this out!

I meannnnnn we're almost done!!! I think I'm gonna miss it once it's over?

Anyway! In conclusion I am sorry for being horrible and not updating. I am also sorry that this chapter was literally the worst! Feel free to come at me with pitchforks now if you would love to.

Anyway I'm out for now lol who knows when I'll be back maybe I'll have all the motivation to write the next chapter ? We shall see! Alright bye guys!!

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