Authors Note #2

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No, this is not your beloved update.  But it is important, so please read.

First off, it has only been a day, and I am getting hate for what happened in the last chapter. I KNOW nobody wants that to happen, I wouldn't either. But there has to be some sort of conflict in a story, and this is what I chose, so sue me for not writing exactly what you wanted.

Seriously guys, you haven't even heard Keefe's explanation in the next chapter, so stop sending me hate. I know I asked you to comment on how I did on the chapter, but that doesn't mean you get to say rude things. If you didn't like the chapter, you are welcome to voice that POLITELY. 

I know many of you think it was cliche, but, it is MY story and NONE of you are writing it, so NONE of you KNOW what is going to happen. None of you are writing it, so if it's cliche, well, that's my problem. And if you or others decide to stop reading, consider it your loss.

Ask yourself this: was if cliche enough to stop reading?

If your answer is no, then it really isn't a problem! If you are still going to read my story, because you think my story is good enough, then it doesn't really matter if something is cliche, so stop the hate!

Also, I would like to make this CRYSTAL clear: NO BAD WORDS in the comments 

I have this rule for a few reasons.

1)    I don't know everyone's ages, so I want to make sure younger people who might be reading this, don't have to worry about not looking through comments, for the fear of seeing a word they aren't supposed to.

2) your language is up to you, but bad words are not appropriate in my opinion, and should not be found anywhere in any comment.

3) I hold no value for cussing and bad words. To me, it is like a weakness. If saying bad words is your only defense, your weak. Period.

It is OKAY if you slip sometimes — it happens to everyone. I am not trying to make people feel bad, I am trying to make people aware of your language. Nobody is perfect, so I understand if people make slips. However, on this site, you write  and then post, meaning you don't "slip". You  PURPOSELY write each letter and PURPOSELY hit the post button. Typos and autocorrects are understandable, but please keep an eye on our language.

Back to the topic of hate, I felt like nobody who commented mentioned the GOOD things in my chapter. What about the funny cremelet part? Did you like the way I added a visual of the dance floor? Did you like the Sophitz kiss?

There are good and bad parts to every chapter, so let's not just focus on the bad!!

Thank you for reading my story,





(P.S.   I, in any way, did not feel offended by ANY of the comments I read. I am simply putting out this as a warning, but just so you  know, none of the comments hurt my feelings and I didn't find any offensive. I, again, am just warning you what is appropriate behavior and what is not)

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