Day 2 Part 1 - The Nightmare

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I would like to give a shout out to SOPHITZ1305, Brakendra4ever, and 543Bookie for being fantastic supporters to my story!!

The cloaked black figures surrounded Sophie. Her friends were far, far away. She was alone. She wanted to prove something so bad, but now the only thing she was going to prove was how weak and selfish she was.

Sophie took a deep breath and threw a goblin star. Thanks to her training, she was able to smack the target on the nose. Sophie had no idea who it was, but they were dead. Sophie pushed down her guilt and let another goblin star fly.

It missed the target, and Sophie felt burning hands on her arms and back. The hands burn harder and harder until Sophie can smell dead flesh. Sophie falls unconscious at one time, but the Neverseen force her to take an Elixir that will keep her awake no matter what. The torture continues. Her wrist is cut and her leg is broken, and bruises cover every inch of her body.

Her voice is gone. She can not call for help. She is going to die.

The pain, the extreme pain, was unbearable, but the Elixir did it's job keeping Sophie awake. This was a whole new meaning to the word torture.

Sophie's body ached and was very sore, especially from the burns. Sophie could feel the pain sharp, clear, and distinct throughout every inch of her body. Sophie could see the blood streaming down from severe cuts. The Neverseen lifted her up swiftly and Sophie screamed out in extreme pain. But her voice was ugly and scratchy.

The Neverseen were not being gentle with her life threatening injuries and her whole waist burned and stung severely. They threw her over their shoulder and Sophie threw up. Over and over and over again. The pain was agonizing. She coughed blood.

She witnessed the torture.

The brutality of the Neverseen.

Then, everything went up in flames. Everblaze. Sophie was engulfed by the flames and had to watch her own death.

...And Sophie woke up crying and screaming from the dreadful dream.

Fitz quickly woke up and asked Sophie what was wrong. 

Sophie continued to bawl. The dream was too horrible and felt too real. She cried harder and harder.

Fitz scooted over to Sophie and wrapped her in a tight hug. 

"Shhh," he said, "it's okay. Whatever it was, it was just a dream. Shh."

Sophie cried and wrapped her arms around Fitz. She didn't care that he didn't have a shirt, she didn't care about anything. She was too scared and scarred to care. She pressed her head into his chest so relieved that Fitz was there for her. Fitz held her tighter trying to reassure Sophie.

They stayed like that for at least an hour until Sophie had finally stopped crying. She pulled away from Fitz's hug and lay in the bed right next to him.

"Can you show me what happened?" Fitz asked, "telepathically?"

Sophie cried a little bit more but nodded.

By the end of the dream Fitz wrapped Sophie in another hug and said, "I am so sorry. That was terrible. You shouldn't have to go through that. How often do you have bad dreams like these?"

"Normally they aren't this bad. Bad ones like these only  happen once a week."

"I am so sorry Sophie. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Sophie shrugged and said, "just being here when I woke up was good." Then Sophie blushed when she realized what she had said.

"Well, I can sleep with you every day if you want."

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