A Perfect Night Gone Wrong

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Finally, Sophie could see Fitz's face. He looked stunned, and Sophie figured that him being surprised is a good thing.

Everyone matched up with their partners and Sophie noticed that Marella had already leaped over and was by Dex's side. 

Marella was wearing a beautiful, floor length simple red ball gown. The gown had long, flowy sleeves and it was a deep red that contrasted Marella's dirty blonde hair. 

Dex's parent's, Edaline and Grady, and Alden and Della were all dressed up and in the room. That meant there were fourteen people in total.

Everyone was wearing beautiful gowns and handsome tuxedos. There was exciting music and gentle yellow-toned lights. There were tables lining three sides of the room and on the fourth wall, there were large doors that opened up to reveal the beautiful ocean and scenic cliff in the distance.

 There were tables lining three sides of the room and on the fourth wall, there were large doors that opened up to reveal the beautiful ocean and scenic cliff in the distance

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Sophie and Fitz started dancing to the music and soon the whole dance floor was covered with everyone dancing. 

The ladies were spinning and the gentleman were all flashing charming smiles and looking dashing in their fancy suits.

"I need a break," Sophie said after two dances.

She was tired, but she also didn't know the next dance and didn't want to embarrass herself. 

"Okay, dessert table?" Fitz offered.

"We haven't even had dinner."


Sophie smiled and followed Fitz over to the table.

"Brownie or cremelet?" Fitz asked her.

"Both," Sophie answered simply.

Fitz smiled and shook his head but put a a couple brownies and a couple cremelets on a silver plate and handed it to Sophie.

Fitz turned around and grabbed another cremelet and shoved it one Sophie's mouth. Cremelets were the size of a fist, so they were pretty big.

Sophie tried to chew the dessert, but it was too big. The dessert wasn't even all the way in her mouth! She stood there, looking stupid as her mouth was wide open, a cremelet shiver in the space, while Fitz was laughing his face off.

"It's not funny," Sophie said but it came out as, "icks hot hun-knee."

This sent Fitz laughing even more. He was bent over laughing and tears were present in his eyes.

"Help!" Sophie tried to say, but it sounded like, "Helg!"

"Okay, okay," Fitz said straightening  up.

He brought his mouth to Sophie's and took a bit out of the part of the cremelet that was shoved in her mouth. The cremelet was still too big to even begin to chew, so Fitz took three more large bites out of the dessert than was inside her mouth.

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