Such a Softer Sin Chapter 37

Start from the beginning

After Murphy had woke in the hospital and Connor was allowed to stay with him, the lighter haired boy hadn't had any nightmares, he had been able to sleep wrapped around his brother and that was enough to soothe his subconscious when he slept that he was fine. But since the first night being back here, with Lila in between them as was their usual routine. It seemed that Connors brain short fucking circuited.


Lila woke to Connor squirming in bed, muttering something. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, looking down at him, his brow furrowed deeply. She jumped out of her skin when he started fucking yelling for his brother, despite still being asleep and he was thrashing around. Her heart sank, she remembered this fucking well, she had witnessed it. The moment his brother flatlined, the moment he himself had woke from his coma and fought so fucking hard to get to his brother. It felt like her heart split in half watching him.

"The fuck?" She heard Murphy mutter sleepily behind her, hearing the commotion.

"Connor, wake up, it's a dream." She frowned as she shook him, trying to get him to wake. Murphy sat up behind her looking on worried. Lila tried to grip his face and suddenly he grabbed her arms and she was almost airborne for a moment, hitting the floor with a pained grunt on her back.

"Fuckin' Christ Connor!" She heard Murphy yell before he slid off the bed to get to her.

The lighter haired twin shot up in bed, looking around frantically as his chest heaved. His eyes settled on his twin helping Lila sit up, watching as she grimaced. She wasn't too hurt, it might bruise but she could deal with it. She should have known not to wake him. Wasn't there a saying about waking someone from a nightmare? Murphy shot his brother a look, he knew he hadn't meant to but he was still pissed off he had just chucked the wee girl off the bed.

"The fuck happened?" Connor muttered looking confused as he looked at the pair of them. Lila blinked at him as Murphy helped her stand.

"Ye fuckin' shoved her off the bed ye dick." Murphy huffed, shooting him a scowl. Connor blanched and he looked her over, as if assessing for damage.

"I'm fine Connor, you were having a nightmare." She whispered, not wanting him to feel bad. He was only sorting through his shit subconsciously after all.

The second night Lila had ended up with a punch to the jaw, she hadn't tried to wake him this time but he was fighting off the people holding him back in his sleep, so apparently, she was a good target. Murphy had almost fucking killed his brother, Connor almost fucking let him. But she was having none of it, she knew he hadn't meant to hurt her. That was the night she made the effort to fucking try and fix it.,

"Move up Murph." She stated firmly as she came back to the bed after icing her face. She had demanded the brothers stay in bed and not help her, she had just been clocked in the jaw and they were yelling at each other, she needed some peace. After she had yelled at them both to shut the fuck up, they sat silently in bed watching her like scolded children.

"What?" Murphy asked confused, his twin giving her an equally puzzled look. She heaved a sigh and rolled her eyes, going to Murphy side of the bed and looking at them.

"Connor needs you, he needs to feel you so he knows you're okay. Just like it was at the hospital. I don't wanna get fucking hit again, so move the fuck up and let him hold you before I kill you both." She said firmly, giving them both a look. Connor blushed, he actually blushed because the lass knew exactly what he needed, he knew it too but he had been too stubborn and embarrassed to admit it. Murphy looked to his brother cautiously, feeling him out, seeing if that was indeed what he wanted, what he needed. The crimson colour of his face told him it was. He didn't take the piss, he didn't embarrass his brother, he just slid over, laying facing the girl as she got in bed next to him.

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