•19- Sentimental Side•

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I rush downstairs to find him in the same spot he's been the entire time. He's looking down at the carpet, seeming lost in deep thought. I lightly shake his shoulder and he looks up at me with an emotion I've never seen in him before.


"What't wrong, Alex?" I ask softly, not wanting a repeat of Sam's episode.

"Are you going to leave me?" he whispers.

"What? Of course not." I whisper back. "What made you think such things?"

"My dad left me. Brinley left me. Sam even left for a little while. I don't want to lose you too." I see tears in his eyes. My heart aches tremendously for the fragile boy in front of me. 

I open my mouth to speak but am cut off by my phone buzzing with a message. I sigh but pull out my phone to answer it. 

Cole: I should probably warn you that Alex tends to have a sentimental side to him after about a few hours of being drunk. Have fun! ;)

That little....


He rarely ever calls me by my real name.

"I'm right here, love. And no, I'm not going to leave you. You mean too much to me."

"But what if you decide that I don't anymore?" A tear slips from his eyes and I immediately wipe it away and kiss his cheek. 

"Alex, I promise that I won't ever give up on you, okay?" 


I sigh in relief that the conversation is over. He closes his eyes and his breathing is even but just when I think he's drifted off he pops his eyes open again. 

"You're going to leave me one day. I know it." There are the tears again. My poor heart cannot handle this!

"Alex, I am not going to leave you." 

"Why not? Everyone else does. All I do is fuck up" 

I almost feel like crying with him but I hold it back. I know he probably won't remember any of this in the morning but I don't care. 

"You are incredible Alex. Yes, you make mistakes but we all do. There's no shame in that. You care immensely for you family, for Eli and Sam, for me. You are willing to put yourself in the most dangerous positions just to keep your loves ones safe. I'm not just dating you for kicks, Alex. I'm dating you because I really like you for who you are. The good, the bad, and the ugly." 

Love you, even. 

"That doesn't prove anything." he pouts. 

"Baby, it proves everything." 

I push the front part of his hair out of his eyes and delicately kiss his forehead. The last of his tears stream down his face but I kiss them away. He looks up into my eyes and all I see is pure vulnerability and trust. 

He trusts me not to kick him to the curb like the others. He trusts me to take care of him as he does me. He trusts me with his secrets and hopes and dreams and concerns. He trusts me with his heart. 

I pull him off the couch because it's getting late and the couch is not a comfortable place to sleep.  I lead us to one of the spare bedrooms and lay him into the bed. I pull the covers up to his chin and begin to walk out to find another bedroom when he calls out. 

"Stay with me." 

He's pleading with his eyes to get me to stay and I can't help but give in. I change into pajamas I had brought with me and climb into the bed beside him. 

Usually you read that the girlfriend falls asleep on the boyfriend's chest with his arm securely around her, but tonight is completely the opposite. Alex is curled up at my side, his head resting on my chest. Instinctively, I put my arm around him tightly. 

In this position, it wasn't hard for me to fall asleep. 

What a night it had been. 


I wake up to the light shinning through the window. At first, I'm panicked at the sight of the unfamiliar room when I begin to recall the events from the night before. I look down to see Alex still sleeping on me with a peaceful look on his face. 

I reach for my phone to check the time which reads 9:36 am. I look back at Alex and his soft features and can't help but snap a quick picture. 

I tried to wriggle out of his grasp so I can get dressed but he just stirs in his sleep and tightens his hold on me. I smile down at him and run my fingers through his soft hair. 

Alex is my boyfriend and I can't deny that my heart is full with him here next to me. I sigh contently and close my eyes in relaxation. There's no way I'm falling back asleep but there's also no way I'm going to wake up Alex. Knowing how much he had to drink, his hangover is going to be a painful one. 

What seems like only a few minutes but is actually a full hour, Alex begins to open his eyes and wake up. He groans undoubtedly from the hangover. He looks confused at his position and I can't help but laugh. His eyes find mine and he smiles his perfect smile. 

"Morning Sunshine." 

"Good morning. Do you want me to go get you some Advil?" I ask softly, trying not to cause his head anymore pain. 

"That would be great, except I don't want you to leave. I quite like this position. You're comfortable." I chuckle at him. 

"It's time for me to get up. I'll bring back the medicine and bring some to Eli. Then I'll start on breakfast, deal?" 

He groans again but loosens his hold. I stand up and kiss his forehead. His eyes flutter closed before opening again. I return a second later with two pills and a bottle of water. I close the blinds so the sun doesn't bother him and hand him the items. 

"You're the best." he says. 

"So I've been told." I laugh.  

I leave Alex in the guest room to go tend to Elijah. I can already hear him cursing the day the alcohol maker was born. I can only imagine what the idiot's gash on his forehead is doing for his headache. 

"I brought you some medicine and water." I announce as I walk into his room. He turns to look at me and I realize we should probably change the gauze on his head. 

"Thank you." he replies gratefully. I grab the medical supplies from the bathroom and bring it back to him. I have a feeling he didn't feel like getting up. I wipe away the dried blood and put some more antibacterial cream on before reapplying a new gauze. 

"I'm gonna go start on breakfast. Toast, eggs, and bacon sound good?" I ask. 

"You are literally an angel sent from heaven." 

I take that as a yes. 

 I make my way downstairs and begin taking out the ingredients I need to make breakfast. Elijah and Alex have me to take care of them, but poor Sam just has Nita and we all know Nita can't cook and has a very thin patience level. 

After breakfast is made, I fill three plates with the food and a cup of orange juice for me. I take Eli's up to him and hear endless thank you's from him. I go to grab the last two plates before heading back up to Alex. I find him with his face buried in the pillows with the blanket pulled over his head. 

"Breakfast is served." 

He sits up and looks at me in awe, taking a plate from my hand. I sit next to him with my legs crossed as I eat my own food. I scan through the shows on TV looking for something interesting. 

I catch Alex staring at me and I could've sworn there was a tinge of pink to his cheeks when he realized I caught him. 

I smile and lean on his should as we finish out breakfast. We choose to watch X-Men though Alex doesn't really watch it. He lays his head down on my lap after I've finished eating and I twirl his hair through my fingers. I hear him sigh and before I know it, he's fast asleep once again. 

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