•4- Sleep It Off•

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"Dude, wake up we're late." Sam groans while he shakes me awake. I rub my eyes and blink the sleep from my eyes.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Seven-thirty." Elijah says, coming into the living room.

"Where are the girls?"

"Already at school. The little shits left a note telling us that we shouldn't have had so much to drink or they would have woke us up." Sam grunts.

"Well, we're already late as it is. No point in rushing around." I shrug, slowly standing up and rubbing my temples, trying to ease my headache.

"Here." Eli said, handing me a couple Advils and a glass of water. I took them quickly and walked up the stairs to get ready.

I cleaned the smell of alcohol from my body and changed into fresh clothes, similar to the ones I wore yesterday. I brushed my teeth and hair and grabbed my phone from the counter. Downstairs, Eli and Sam were ready and waiting.

"Jeez, you take forever." Elijah complains.

"Says the one who takes thirty minute showers and spends ten minutes on his hair alone." I point out and he sticks his tongue out at me.

"Real mature."

"Well, you and Sam are still hungover so I'll drive. We'll take my car." Elijah says, grabbing his keys from the table by the door.

"You don't have to rub it in our face that you rarely ever get hangovers you dumb fuck." I smack him.

"Ow! I almost forgot what a bitchy person you are when you're hungover. Oh wait, you're like that anyways."

"I'm going to kill you if you don't shut the fuck up." I warn. He closes his mouth but the smirk on his face stays the whole ride to school.

Why didn't we just stay home?

"Why did we even come to school today?" Sam groans, reading my thoughts.

"Because..." Eli started. "Actually I don't have a good reason. We really should've just skipped."

"Well, let's go inside and then leave if we feel like it." I said. We are already here. May as well give it a shot.

Hehe, shot. I took a lot of those last night.

At the doors to the school, I stopped and turned around.

"On second thought, let's just skip." I concluded.

"What are you three doing out here? Class has started already. Get inside." one of the teacher's aids said as he opened the door.

Well there goes that plan.

We trudged into the halls, walking into our separate classes.

Everyone stared at me as I walked into class late and headed to the back of the room.

"Care to explain why you are late to my class." Mrs. Porter asked.

"Nope." I replied nonchalantly and layed my head on my desk, attempting to block out the noise of the other students, but to no avail.

"You motherfuckers are loud as fuck." I groaned.

"Alex!" Mrs. Porter scolded.

"He's got a hangover Mrs. P. Let him deal with his punishment of drinking on a Wednesday." some guy laughed. Tanner, I think his name is. I lifted my hand and flipped him off.

"I've been there too buddy. Don't give me that finger." Tanner chuckles.

I put my head back on the desk before the class faded into low murmurs and I was able to get a little sleep.

I didn't even hear the bell until someone was gently shaking me awake. I lifted my head to cuss out the person who just decided to disturb my sleep but paused when I saw it was Vienna.

"Hey Sunshine." I said, giving her a lazy smile. She blushed.

"I just wanted to make sure you were going to get up. Mrs. Porter actually gave up on trying to wake you up. She just went to take some kid to the office for something." She explained. I checked the time on my phone and saw that we were late for next period.

"You know you're late right?" I told her. Her eyes widened a fraction but she shrugged.

"It's not like the teachers will care. I'm never late so they'll probably just give me a warning." she reasoned. I shrugged.

"Take this. It might help a little bit." she said, handing me a piece of mint gum. I tossed it into my mouth and chewed it slowly, still hungover from last night.

Damn, how many drinks did I have last night?

"We should probably get going." I said, standing up. She nodded and picked her books off of the desk next to mine.

"You should head home. This school won't do anything about your hangover but make it worse." she replied. I smiled down at her. She blushed and looked down at the floor.

I lifted her head and leaned in until I was only about an inch from her pink lips. I could feel her hot breath on my face and the heat radiating from her body.

"Thanks for the tip, Sunshine." I whispered. I dropped my hand and walked out of the classroom, watching Vienna from the corner of my eye, her red face looking flustered as she tried to collect her thoughts.

Me: I'm headin out. U wanna come with?

Eli: Yea. I'll b out in a sec

Sammy: Same. See ya in a min

I walked out to Elijah's car and waited for the other two. I rested my head on the cool metal of the hood of the car and heard the front doors opening followed by footsteps.

"Where to?" Sam asked.

"Let's just go home. I need sleep." I groaned and got into the backseat. The other two hopped in and it didn't take long for us to be back in the living room.

"No drinks this time." I said, laughing lightly.


"Hey, Alex? Who's that girl you've been talking to? The one with the brown hair and always has her face in a book?" Elijah smirks. I roll my eyes.

"Vienna." I say bluntly.

"You and I both know that's not what he meant." Sam said, giving me a pointed look.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I threw myself onto the couch and immediately regretted it when the pounding headache came back for the millionth time today.

"Bro, don't even. I know what you call her." Eli replied. I tensed a bit but acted as if it didn't affect me at all.

"Yeah? And what is that?"

"You call her Sunshine. What the fuck kind of name is that you idiot."

"She hates it, so I call her it. Got a problem." I said, looking at Elijah's face for the first time this entire conversation.

"Nope. Just curious as to who's got you being all cute and shit." he faked a gag.

"Sure bud. I assure you she ain't nobody to me." I reassured.

"Maybe not yet." Sam mumbled under his breath but I heard it.

These two are out of their minds if they actually think I have a thing for Vienna Lockhart.

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