•11- Sincere•

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The boys were over and we sat in the backyard listening to music. I couldn't do a whole lot without the pain from the injuries flaring up. 

Around four, they ended up leaving, leaving me with nothing to do. I still had a couple hours before Cole got home from hanging out with Anita so I decided to take my Harley out for a ride. 

Loud noises didn't bother my head anymore, so I was fine to ride. I pulled it out of the garage and revved it up. Pulling on my helmet, I backed out of the driveway and sped down the road. 

It wasn't long into my drive before it started to rain. Not that I minded though, a little rain never hurt anybody. I actually found the rain pretty peaceful. 

I circled the town a few times and took a back road before finally deciding to head home. It was pouring now and I was soaking wet.

I turned onto the main road that leads to my house when I saw someone pulled on the side of the road. They were sitting in the car with the lights on, their head resting on the steering wheel. 

I pulled up behind them and walked to the driver's side window to make sure they were okay. I knocked on the window and the driver rolled it down. 

"I just wanted to make sure- Sunshine?" I say, surprised. "What happened?" 

"My car broke down in the middle of the damn highway." she groaned. "And no one is answering their phone!" 

"I can take you home if you want. You'll get rained on, but it's better than being stuck here all night." I offer. She looks at my bike and then back at me. 

"Yeah, that'd be great." she sighs. I'm a little surprised she agreed to ride so quickly, but I guess she really has no other option since no one will answer her calls. 

"How long have you been stuck here?" I ask, noticing that her bookbag is in the seat next to her. 

"uh, like four and a half hours?" she said sheepishly. 

"Jesus, Sunshine. Let's get you home." 

She grabbed her bookbag and shoved her phone inside. She steps out of the car and I wrap my arm around her, trying to shield her from the rain as much as possible. I hand her my helmet and she gets onto the back of my Harley. 

"What are you going to wear?" she asks, gesturing to the helmet. 

"I'll be fine. Now put it on." I shrug. She put it on and wraps her arms around my torso. I'll admit I like the feeling. 

"Don't get too cocky, Alex. I just don't want to fall off of this thing." she says, laughing. I smirk at her and take off, making her shriek and hold onto me tighter. 

She gives me directions to her house and by time we get there, It's raining so hard you can't see five feet in front of you.

"Come inside. It's not safe to drive right now." she tells me as she walks up her front steps. I follow her and she quickly unlocks the door and we head inside. 

Vienna sets her back down and turns to look at me. 

"Welcome to my humble abode. You can wear some of my dad's clothes since yours are obviously soaking wet. Hold on a second." She runs upstairs and comes down a minute later with a change of clothes. 

"The bathroom is the third door on your right, right down that hall." she directs. I quickly walk into the warm bathroom, eager to get out of these wet clothes. 

I undress and dry myself off before putting on the dry clothes. They're a little big on me, and I'm 6'9". I don't even want to know how big her dad is. 

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