•15- Stolen Hearts•

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At this point it's pretty clear to me what my feelings for Vienna are. And apparently it's pretty clear what they are to Elijah and Sam too.

Sam and Elijah are talking again. Eli is still a little wary of the relationship but after I locked them both in the basement for an hour, they talked it out and are now back to normal.

As usual, we were seated in Eli's living room. His mom was at work until late, and his dad has been out of the picture since he was little. To put a long story short, Elijah's father was very abusive towards his mom, and after he was born she didn't want to deal with it anymore and divorced him, as well as getting a restraining order.

"What if she doesn't want anything to do with me after I tell her?" I groan, running a hand over my face.

"You're over thinking this whole thing. Just go for it and hope for the best. But since it's Vienna, I'm pretty sure she'll understand."

"Did I ever tell you why we left the party early yesterday?" I asked, changing the subject.

"No?" Sam replied, although I already knew Eli knew most of it.

"Turns out JB was there and he just happens to be Vienna's ex boyfriend." I say.

"Oh course he is." Sam mumbles.

"She also mentioned that he was very secretive, so she probably didn't know about his racing. Which is partly why I want to tell her everything. If I want a shot with her, I can't have something in common with her ex that was one of the reasons they broke up."

"That's valid. Just go for it, dude. The worst she can say is that she doesn't want to speak to you anymore and moves away forever." Elijah shrugs and Sam hits him upside the head.

"You're not helping him."


"I just don't know when I'm going to tell her. She's out of town for the next two days visiting family." I inform them.

"Well, you'll just have to tell her when she gets back. Not in school, obviously, but when you guys are hanging out or something." Sam tells me and I nod.

"This is going to be a long two days." I mutter to myself so they other two don't catch it.

And I was right.

The first day isn't even over yet and I'm just sitting here trying to think about what I'm going to say.

"Hey, Sunshine. I've been keeping a lot of things from you but I'm going to tell you now. Like, I'm a street racer and never told you. Also, I don't really have a dad in the picture. Oh and also, you kinda stole my heart a little bit. Is that cool?"

Yeah... no.

This is going to go great.

Hint the sarcasm.

"Stop stressing about it. Let's go out and do something. You up for another party?" Eli asks. He always knows where the parties are.

"Sure." I reply, standing up. Hopefully it will help get my mind off of this.

I stop back at my house before I decide to head over. I'm wearing sweats and a stained T-shirt. Not exactly the image I want to put out there. So instead, I change into a red t-shirt with my signature leather jacket, black jeans, and my converse.

There we go.

I stop by Cole's room to let her know where I'm going. Anita is with her so I don't have to worry about her being home alone. She may be sixteen but I still don't like it.

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