TMI truth or dare

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Magnus and Alec sat on the couch in each other's arms. Magnus sighed happily and nuzzled into Alec's neck. Alec chuckled lightly and kissed Magnus' forehead. Magnus slowly lifted his head to Alec's and kissed him lightly, Alec smiled into the kiss. The kiss got heated in seconds until the doorbell rang. 

"You've got to be kidding me" Magnus and Alec both sighed as Magnus stood up and walked to the door. Jace, Clary, Izzy, and Simon stood on the other side of the door waiting impatiently. "Took you long enough", Jace said annoyed, Clary lightly slapped him on the shoulder. "Leave them alone, they didn't know we were coming", Clary said confidently. "Why are you all here?", Magnus questioned. "We're here because we wanted to come to visit you guys!" Simon said excitedly. "And..also because we had nothing else to do", Simon looked down in shame. Magnus sighed heavily and gestured them to come in.

The four walked through the door to see Alec sitting on the couch, looking annoyed. "Don't you all have something else to do?" Alec asked, glaring at them. "Nope", they all shook their heads. "Well since you all are here, why don't you tell me what you were planning to do", Magnus asked with a curious face. "Well, Izzy and I planned to play truth or dare!" Clary said jumping in the air."Hmm..alright then", Magnus agreed to the idea. 

"Absolutely not", Alec stood up from the couch and headed to their bedroom when Magnus stopped him by hugging him from behind. "Don't go..please play with us", Magnus put up a frown on his face as Alec turns around and kisses him on the lips softly. "I can never seem to resist you and your puppy eyes", Alec said softly as he caressed Magnus' cheeks. "Can you two get a ro-", Jace got caught off by Clary, glaring at him like he was a prey. "It's cute, shut your blabbering mouth Jace", Izzy said annoyed. 

"Let's all sit down", Magnus gestured for them to sit. "I will go first!", Izzy raised her hands up in the air. "Magnus truth or dare?". "Dare, that's pretty obvious", Magnus confidently said. Izzy thought carefully and said "I dare you to kiss a boy of your choice in this room, just not Alec" Izzy added. Alec raised his eyebrows and glared at Izzy. "What? That's not happening" Alec hissed at Izzy. "It's ok" Magnus reassured Alec as he kissed him on the cheek, Alec frowned. Magnus stood up slowly from where he was sitting and kissed Simon lightly. Alec glared at Simon almost like he was gonna burn him alive. Simon's shocked face made everyone laugh except Alec, who was clearly ready to destroy him.

"My turn! Alexander, truth or dare?", Magnus sat down on Alec's lap and wrapped his arms around his neck. "Dare", Alec's face looked a bit flushed as everyone else looked at them in awe, except for Jace. "I dare you to get Jace a Duck", Magnus said chuckling. Jace widened his eyes and hissed at Magnus, the rest was chuckling. "That's a great idea, Magnus", Clary and Izzy said, both amused. "Oh hell no, stay the heck away from me" Jace stood up and ran to the other side of the room. "Magnus, mind giving me a hand?", Alec smiled and Magnus nodded happily. They both stood up and suddenly a Duck appears out of nowhere. Jace squealed in horror as he ran around with a Duck following behind him. All of them except Jace were laughing endlessly. Jace yelled for help and Magnus nodded slowly, the Duck disappeared. 

Jace sat back down glaring at the couple. Both were chuckling and cuddling with each other. Alec wasn't really into PDA but he felt that it was okay since it was only his family. Jace let out a sigh and asked "Clary truth or dare?", Jace asked, still annoyed. "Dare!" "I dare you to separate those two from each other", Jace then pointed at Magnus and Alec who glared at him. Izzy and Simon let out an "ooooh~" noise. Clary shook her head but stood up and walked to the couple. Alec held onto Magnus as Magnus did the same. Clary muttered "I'm sorry", she then split them apart from each other. Both were frowning. Clary went back to her seat and smacked Jace on the back of his head. "Ow!", Jace said in pain. "Deserved it", they all said at the same time.

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