A man and woman at the reception welcomed us, saying hello to Jimin. The man said hello to me too, but the woman just gave me a nasty look.

Well then...

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

We walked further into the resort towards the place we were going to stay, I assumed. I felt the travelling sickness bubbling up inside me. My head was hurting and my legs felt weak. But the reason behind weak legs might not be the travelling sickness, instead it might've been something else entirely and I had an idea about it.

I could still feel my neck and lips tingle whenever the image of Jimin's lips on my neck came to my mind. It was crazy how much effect he had on me.

You're driving me crazy, Eun Hee. Stop whatever you're doing to me.

His words rang in my ears, swam my mind, shoving every other thought away. It wasn't me who was doing things to him. It was the other way around.

There was no denying the sexual tension between us. I knew he felt it too. Because if he didn't, there was no other way to validate whatever happened at the motel. But it was just that. It was only sexual attraction as long as it concerned him. Whereas it wasn't just sexual attraction to Jimin in my case. I was starting to have feelings for him, and I really didn't want to develop any more feelings, for I knew I was going to get hurt in the end.

Whenever I decided to stay away from Jimin, fate brought us back together.

"This is the place were staying at."

Jimin's soft voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see large black double doors. Jimin opened them and entered. I followed the suit. My eyes widened at the huge place. The door led straight into a massive lounge that had leather sofas in the middle, a glass table in front of the,. An very modern open kitchen was at one side of the lounge.

I walked further into the place. There were two rooms at one side and two at the other of the hallway. I stopped walking when I heard Jimin dragging my bag. I turned around.

"Wait. Let me take this from you," I said, walking towards Jimin.

He shook his head.

"No. It's okay. Have you selected the room you want to stay in?" He asked.

"Uh," I looked around, "I haven't. I'll take any one of these. You tell me."

It was Jimin's place. It would've been rude of me to go and choose a bedroom without asking him. It just seemed really impolite to me.

"Well. You should take that," he gestured towards the room at our right side, "and I'll take the one opposite to it, so you can call me whenever you need anything."

My heart fluttered at his words. His considerate and caring side made me feel happy and giddy always. It was the exact opposite of arrogant and cocky Jimin. I liked this sweet and caring Jimin better.

I nodded. "Okay."

After settling into the room (which was very spacious and pretty), I lied down on the bed, letting out a tired sigh. Today had been a very. . . surprising and tiring day, and I was more than ready to get under the covers and sleep.

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