Chapter 34

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Nicole's POV


We arrived and are standing by the door as I watch luke knock on the door a tall man with gray and black hair answers the door "can I help you?" He raises a eyebrow at luke I take a step forward next to luke "I am alpha luke of the bloodstar pack" the man nodded and moved out of the way as we stepped in side he shut the door behind him and started walking down a hall way as we followed him he said "I am alpha tates father william" he said as he opened a door and led us to a room with I'm guessing the alpha because of the alpha power floating off of him he has his arm around a girls waist and a boy and a girl on a couch we sit on the couch across of them "hello alpha Tate"

luke says as he sits next to me "alpha luke what brings you guys here today?" I block out all there saying when I noticed Isabella looking down at the floor as she squeezes her hands into fist her hair is in her face as I see she has tears in her eyes I was about to mind link her when I heard lukes voice "nicole?" I look up as my cheeks turn light pink as I hear luke chuckle "sorry.. Um.." I trail off not knowing wht they were trailing off to say "what is it that u needed to ask me?" Alpha Tate said as he saw my confusion I smile at him "me and Isabella.." I trail off as he looks at her with sad eyes "are the forbidden elements.. I have the water element and she -" "has the earth element" says the girl that is sitting next to the boy I nod "yes I had a dream about the moon goddess and she told me all about my powers.. Erm and I came here today cuz u see there is a war tht is happening and we need the forbidden element here and -"

I was cut off agin "how did u know about the forbidden element here?!" the boy asked panicky "the moon goddess told me the name of this pack and so-" "so u came here" the girl said and I nod trying not to get annoyed by the interrupting Tate cleared his voice "this is Ashley and Connor" he pointed to the girl then the boy I nodded not really knowing we're he was going "I am the air element" Ashley said "and I. Am the fire element" said Connor oh.. That's why I felt a pull towards them "do you guys know how to-" "how to control our powers? Yes" "oh both-" "both of us yes" I narrow my eyes what is up with them interrupting me all the time I hear luke and Tate chuckle "do you know-"

I decided to play there own game "how to use my powers? No.. I only found out a week ago and I first used my powers today.. Without even knowing" "oh" is all they can say "but Isabella will teach me" I looked over at her as she looked up then looked away as Tate looked at her "yea" I smiled "and we will try too" said Connor "Tate.. will U and ur pack team up with our pack and fight side by side with us to help defeat the rouges so we can live in peace? Luke asked all serious "yes" said Tate as he nodded the girl in tates arm moved closer to him and resting her head on his chest as he smiled down at her Bella stood up "excuse me alpha hemmings" as she ran out of the room I looked over at luke and he nodded "excuse me" I got up and left the room but before I left Tate looked at me with worried eyes.. Hm... I followed Isabella's scent and it lead me outside I saw her sitting on the steps on the front porch I sit next to her "wanna tell me what that was about?" I asked looking up at the sky she remained silence as I looked over at her and saw she had tears in her eyes "I was his mate... But he chose her over me.. My own cousin" she sadly laughed

"the day he announced to everyone that she was his mate was the day I ran away he.. Chose her over me.. My.. My.. Own mate.. Doesn't want.." She choked on her words as she sobbed I quickly pulled her into my arms as she sobbed "shhh it's ok Isabella shhh" I cooed as I stroke her hair she kept sobbing as I brought her closer "shhhh" she held onto me as her sobs died down I pulled away and wiped away her tears "ur a rouge?" I tilted my head to the side she nodded looking down ashamed "would.. Would u like to join our pack?" She looked up at me in shock as I smiled "really?" I nodded and stood up dusting off my hands as I held a hand down at her "yes a million times yes!" She placed her hand in mine as I helped her up she jumped up and down "let me go work my magic and go ask luke" she smiled as we both ran inside "lukieeee!" I yelled laughing I hear a door opening and running as to figures show up I looked at Isabella as her smile dropped I looked up and saw Tate and luke my smile dropped "um.."

I blushed "Jesus I though something was wrong nicole don't do that too me luke said as he brought me into a hug as I wrapped my arms around him hugging him back and layed my head on his chest smiling smelling his wonderful scent "I'm sorry" I nuzzle my head against his chest as I looked up and see him smiling down at me "it's alright love" I smiled "Isabella is now officially a member of the bloodstar pack" I smiled not leaving any room for argument he nodded as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him to thank him he smiled threw the kiss, and kissed back I pull away and see Tate looking down at the ground with his hands in his pocket "no Bella can't be in ur pack" he said looking up "u have no right to call me Bella anymore u lost tht right when u chose my cousin over me.. Ur mate.." She trailed off as I see tears in her eyes "u have no right to tell me I can't go into there pack I am a rouge well.. Was.."

She looked him dead in the eye as he stepped closer to her "Isabella I'm sorry I hurt y-" she shook her head "no.. No u aren't" as she said that she looked down and he stepped closer to her now infront of her he lifted her chin up and looking in her eyes "I am.. I love you.." He started leaning in as her eyes widen "no.." She pushed him away "what is happening in here" said the girl that was wrapped in tates arms "u love her?" Tate looked at the girl "laura no I.." Bella balled her hands into fist "I knew it" "Isabella -" "baby just forget about her" laura said as she wrapped her hands around him and kissed him "u told me she was pathetic an u hated her and never wanted a mate like her" "shut up.." Bella growled "don't tell me to shut up I am the Luna of this pack I am tates mate" Laura smirked "no u aren't I am his real mate! Ur just a slut a sad excuse as a cousin and I hate u! I hate both of you!!" Isabella said as she ran out of the room the ground starts to shake as my eyes widen "little whore trying to steal my mate" Laura scoffed my eyes turned green

"don't say tht! Ur the whore how can u hurt ur cousin like this! and u" I pointed to Tate "how can u hurt ur mate and be with a whore like Laura!" I was slapped across the face my flashed blue as I looked up Laura gasped as her eyes widen as I see everyone else's but lukes eyes widen luke growls at Laura "touch me agin bitch and I won't hesitate to rip ur pretty lil head of that slutty body" the ground started to shake as I start to fall luke catches me my eyes widen "Bella.." I quickly get up and run outside as everyone follows me I see Bella on all fours in her human form as she grips the grass as a green light Shines around her as the ground continued to shake violently "Isabella!" I screamed her name my eyes flashed Grey as I saw a large log falling towards Tate my eyes flashed purple as I quickly ran and pushed him out of the way as I land on top of him he looks at me with shock as I get off of him

"u have to calm her down u are her mate and u are the only one tht can calm her down, her powers are out of control and she can't help it" I hear Isabella scream in pain as Tate nods I run over to luke the ground starts to slowly split open as it keeps shaking violently Tate walks over to her "Isabella please calm down try to control ur powers" he wrapped his arm around her and brought her into his lap as he looked down into his eyes she squeezes her eyes shut my eyes widen Tate did the last thing tht I expected him to do he kissed her as she calmed down but the shaking didn't stop I saw the water fountain break as the rocks fly over to me, luke, Isabella and Tate I pushed luke out of the way as he lands on the ground as the rocks fly over to him the I ran over to Isabella and stood infront of them as a rock flys past me cutting my arm as the blood drips down my arms I put my hand up as I feel power and energy in me I fill a gust of win coming from behind me "nicole!" I hear Luke yell as the wind blows my hair every where

I hear loud bags and a gasp as I open my eyes I see the rocks broken shattered on the ground and see a water shield infront of me as I look behind me and see Bella and Tate are ok I look over at luke and see his eyes are widen same with Bella and Tate "ur.. Ur eyes are red" luke said the water dropped splashing on the ground my hand drops to my side and my eyes shut and the wind stops blowing and I slowly start falling "Nicole!" After tht I am catched in strong arms..

my mate - luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now